Inception (2010) - Thoughts/Review

I've had this old DVD copy of Inception, and for the longest time I've been wanting to re-watch it, finally I did tonight and man I'm happy I did!


Pic of my old, shabby DVD copy. Still plays baby!!

This movie has given birth to many a meme, but I just love it.

This movie blew my mind when I first watched it as a kid in my mid-teens, really impactful. Inception offers a billion interpretations and poetic features, metaphors. It's honestly kind of magical, I'm glad there's not a sequel.

It's extremely dramatic, with so many iconic action scenes and beautiful CGI that holds up well twelve years later.

This movie has beautiful dark elements, contrasted masterfully with, I'd go as far as saying whimsical, sort of fantasy elements. It's so one of a kind in my opinion.

Inception is serious with minimal comic relief, but instead of comic relief the movie just makes you think, hard. It's inspirational. This movie makes you think about the universe, space, time, even religion I feel. Makes you think about life.

I know for a fact many plots, and parts of the story go way over my head, and I'll probably never understand every detail, unless I really nerd out. With a movie like this, I don't think I want to know every fine detail. It's nice to just let the art be.

I know this movie has been subject to many plot critiques, theories, and things of that nature, but the story is still mostly understandable enough. It can be confusing, but not so bad that it can't be enjoyed.

The acting in this movie was pretty on point, Leo's female opposite, 'Mal', KILLED her role in a good way.


Movies like this are mind blowing, and makes me think about if people are put there like delving into this sort of 'science' by any chance in the real world. Sounds silly probably, I probably sound nuts, but I'm just wondering damnit! LOL.

Inception is absolutely on par with 'The Matrix'. Totally makes you think about your life and the world around you and just makes you want to be a better person honestly.

This movie is tremendous. 10/10. 5 Stars.


I need to catch up on these Christopher Nolan movies man!!

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