‘Hitler and the Nazis, Evil on Trail’: A Netflix documentary to help younger generations remember the horror of World War II

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Why is it (still) important to remember what happened in the Second World War? Precisely because the horror of those events was so inhumanly human (and this is no contradiction) that it not only changed the entire social, economic, cultural, political and historical context. I support Netflix's proposal to continue renewing historical memory, and what better way to do it than in the age of streaming and apps that have replaced going to the cinema? The kids, the new generations think of Germany, and I don't know if they are aware that the country of Gotze, or of the new host of EURO 2024, is also the country of barbarism.....

There are even some questions that we as a society should rethink in our everyday lives.... But that's another discussion for another community. Within Movies and TV Shows, I would like to focus on the Netflix documentary series. Here are presented the previous events (with due historical and social context) that brought Hitler to power, as well as his rise to power, all that he and his allies deliberately did to destroy Europe, and above all the cold, calculating and cruel methodology of the death machine that was the Holocaust that the Germans, led by the Furher, committed.

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For me, that's key. In fact, this post is born, exactly, because I watched the whole docu-series in the company of young, school-aged (high school) people and seeing their faces of surprise, contemplative silence and amazement, is something that personally leaves me a bit calmer. It is incredibly important that we never forget the following facts: in the 1930s, the country with the best technology, the greatest social and individual freedoms, and one of the most advanced in terms of civil rights, was the same country that in 1933 allowed and even encouraged the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party to power.

Expanding on this little-discussed fact throughout the series is something that I must confess I applauded. What does this mean? Well, that sometimes, evil itself is closer to all of us than we would like to admit. The same country that produced Einstein, Max Planck and Hannah Arendt, created Hitler, Himmler and Goring? That fragility is something we assume today as something that ‘could never happen in our time’, and precisely that fallacy is very dangerous.... Our balance between what we know and what is one step away is not morality, it is precisely that the right circumstances have not yet arisen.

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An example of the best (which can also be seen in the Netflix documentary) is Japan. It was as guilty of World War II as Germany, and caused as much damage and destruction in Asia as Germany did throughout Europe and Africa, and only after two atomic bombs, they understood that they were wrong. Apparently, they ‘learned their lesson’, but nowadays all opinion polls using the networks you and I use every day, (YouTube, Twitch, Kick, Twitter, Facebook) indicate that the Japanese are seen as ‘the worst’ in the continent with the most people in the whole world. Koreans, Chinese, Thais, Filipinos, Vietnamese, all against...

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