Review | Trigger Point

Hello everyone in the Movies and TV shows community.
I know it's been a while after my first review of the movie: Avengement.
I've been occupied with other things that I haven't thought about watching a movie by the way all movies on my phone and laptop have been watched already, I just find it difficult (I don't repeat movies) to watch a movie a second time except it feels like I can't recall again.


I actually don't like watching a movie that would starts with a twist, that's in a confused manner that if it's not seen to the end, there's no understanding.
Having to watch this one which had many conspiracy to it.

A movie that begins with the death of three people, the first, a man in a parking lot, then a woman shot while sitting in the park and the last a man who was given a chance to ask " at least let me know who it was."

Basically, the movie is a conspiracy to be unravelled by Barry Pepper who plays the role of Nicolas, an operative of the "The Agency." He lives a quiet life out of the horizon of people in an high tech house disguised as a barn. I had chills running down my spine just seeing the operation of the house.

Clearly, a man leaving in hiding should be running from something or someone.
Nicolas Shaw goes to a diner where he takes his breakfast and interacts with Janice and then goes to his favourite bookshop just opposite the diner, to collect book from Irene the bookstore owner.
Always looking over his shoulder especially when a new face is among familiar faces around.

The next day, as Nicolas Shaw exits the diner, Irene walks up to him that someone is asking about him with a photograph of him. Nicolas is then in the back seat as Dwight enters the driver, Nicolas stick a gun behind he's head and takes him to another barn in the woods, ties him upside down for interrogation.


How did you find me? Who sent you?
Questions that needs answers from a man that has hidden well so far, then his location is compromised.

Nicholas Shaw's boss Colm Feore playing the role as Elias Kane surfaces in town looking for Nicolas to seek his help in finding his daughter Monica Kane who he claims was kidnapped by Quinton, a perpetrator who killed other operatives including Javier, Monica's husband but there are unanswered questions that needs answering, like how did you find me.

Events still keeps playing in Nicolas's head apparently, he was tortured and made to give up names of operatives to Quinton, Nicolas only knows that he was drugged and didn't give up the names.

Going back to the barn house where Dwight was tied upside down with his head in a bathe tube already covered with water. Nicolas agrees to find Monica, just working with his boss Elias Kane alone without Dwight being involved because he doesn't like him and Dwight didn't like him either.

Time to rescue Monica as Nicolas drives Kane to get a trim from a barber who he collects information on getting to anyone close to Quinton in a Bentley Continental GT that I can't still get the sound of the GT V8 engine out of my mind.

The information was gotten from an operative of Quinton who was later killed by Nicolas before Nicolas and Kane drove to a greenhouse where Monica was being held.
Nicolas goes in rescuing Monica but she has to get a drive from a computer then the twist begins.
Apparently, the Kane's planned the whole event as Monica puts her gun on Nicolas head then he gives her the drive but disarms her and collects the drive.
Now, Nicolas enemies are becoming glaring although he's yet to recover his complete memory from the torture as he was drugged also with Sodium thiopental which breaks one and also causes memory loss. So Nicolas struggled to fully recover his memory as all events were blurry in his mind.


Rescuing Monica from the greenhouse although she is shot while escaping with Nicolas who seeks refugee in an abandoned house while some operatives still come looking for them but he took them out. Monica escapes with the drive and joining her father Elias in a diner then it is descovered that the drive is empty.
The conspiracy is already revealing bit by bit, no one trust anyone. It was always a scam for Elias Kane.

On the other hand, Nicolas is back in his high tech barn house and deciphers the the code taken from the greenhouse. It became quite a revelation, Elias Kane is the one that set up the death of the team including Javier, his daughter's husband and responsible for the torture of Nicolas.


Elias Kane descovering the drive with Monica is empty knew Nicolas had it and was on to him now.
Returning to the Village booksHop to look Irene as he knew that she is Nicolas handler shoots her as she didn't give up his location. Nicolas getting an alert of Irene being in danger on his mobile phone heads to the scene killing two of Elias men with his drone and killing Dwight with his gun as Dwight shit the drone.
Elias Kane goes to the diner, leaving with Janice as Monica cut Nicolas off with the perfect shot. Nicolas makes the revelation of who's responsible for everything, her dad. Her dad has been working with Fiona Snow the assassin that killed everyone in the team.

Nicolas chases Elias to a Pier where Janice has been shot in the hand and left in the Bentley Continental GT. Nicolas and Elias face off themselves until they stand head to head, with all 17 bullet already used in Elias gun, Nicolas stands in front of him to confront him.
Monica also comes to the pier with rage over the death of her husband, points her gun at her father who ate the only thing I can say is "I'm sorry" without telling her to her face that he killed her husband.
Nicolas killed Elias before Monica could kill her father.

Always be alert, trust is all in every business but always be on the look out for yourself. The next man has your best interest at heart but his own interest is always greater than yours.
Watch your back at all times.

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