1917 Movie Review

War movies have always been my favourite because despite featuring the typical fight scenes, and gun violence we get from action movies, they're probably the only action thrillers where you get to enjoy quality acting. This movie featured the events of two young wimpy British Corporals in World War 1 tasked with delivering an important message by cutting through enemy lines in war-torn France to save the lives of 1600 soldiers stationed at the other side of town.

Historically speaking, the Germans are monumental cunts with bigger guns and unusually big dicks that they casually plunge into the ass of most European countries. This story that was loosely based on the tale shared Grandfather of the Director, Mendes, yet again, portrays Germans as cunts of history who look for any opportunity to show their military might.

According to history, Germany occupied France, and so the gentle Frenchies needed the British to help unfuck everything that was fucked up. This required the British to deploy a shit ton of soldiers to France to fix that little predicament. It was actually a very fucked up situation, that led to millions of people dying in the process, but it is all in the past now so we can have a drink about it.

Anyways, back to the movie which was pretty damn good, and featured an array of experienced and some upcoming stars in the British movie industry. You'll probably need google search to know about the two lead actors but the supporting cast were some very familiar faces.

The movie featured some great acting that will leave you at the edge of your seat from start to finish. There was some British humour, and tragedy but what makes the movie special is the fact that it really felt like the entire event was taken in one cut. I did some digging to find out that it actually wasn't but the director ingeniously found a way to seamlessly blend scenes together and give the audience an immersive experience. Great movie and I encourage you to check it out.

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