Voyagers.....(movie review)

Greetings everyone!

I finally found time today out of my busy schedule to watch a movie. It's a science fiction movie and I will be sharing my thoughts on the movie with you all. It's my first time sharing on this community.

I like science fiction movies because of the thrill I derive from the suspense and genetic hullabalu... I mean they make their effects so believable. Shall I let y'all in on a secret? Ok, when I was a little girl, i believed that Krypton was real and among the planets. I actually wanted to go there and see superman's parents, hehe. There began my attraction to sci fi movies.

The movie titled Voyagers is a 2021 science fiction movie released by Lionsgate films. I like the fact that they dabbled in a little bit of science manipulation in order to create perfect humans.


The movie begins with the discovery of a new habitable planet with water and oxygen asides Earth and a desire for a scout team to be sent to inhabit the planet. Problem is, its a journey of no return as the team would live in a spaceahip for 86 years. The idea is for the third generation to be the ones to find this planet and inhabit and populate it for the continuous existence of mankind, as earth was on the verge of destruction and was considered no longer safe. This third generation were to be bred the same way as the first generation and that is via IVF. An idea was created to raise the perfect team of thity, which entails breeding children and isolating them from civilization to get them accustomed to life in a space ship.

The new breed were test tube babies, bred in isolation from the world. They had access to a scientist named Richard, although he was the one who suggested the idea of test tube babies in the first place, his relationship with them grew, so much so that he volunteered to go on the mission with them.

I liked the fact that everything was planned and available for the journey but I did not really like the manipulation part. Humans have the gift of freewill and choice. To inhibit one from that right can lead to chaos and uncontrolled impulsive behavior, which was exactly what played out with the teenagers aboard the ship.

I also wondered why the need to create perfect humans similar to robots when in truth humans are never perfect. I honestly think that perfect is boring, which was what was beautifully portrayed by the actors till Christopher and Zach, who were friends discovered that a drug was put in a drink called blue to suppress their sexual desires and feelings of pleasure which ultimately means no natural copulation or reproduction.

Things went haywire when Zach allows his impulses control him leading him to killing Richard and unleashing mayhem on the rest of the crew especially when Christopher was chosen as the new Chief officer. Zach proved to be a master manipulator as he excused his actions on killing aliens, causing fear and division amongst team members, except for Sela and four others.

Christopher and Sela work together to subdue Zach and restore peace and order once again on the ship. This brought them closer and finally Zach was kicked out of the ship to his death while Sela became the new Chief officer and peace was restored back to the team.

I particularly liked the fact that the team stopped taking the blue and they decided to learn to be better persons. They also fell in love and procreated naturally as against the original plan. All in all, this movie was great to watch and the story line flowed seamlessly. This is the trailer below...

Well indeed some of the grandparents and their grand children finally arrived at the planet after 86 long years as predicted.

Thanks for reading and viewing

Video link is from #Youtube

All images are screenshots of the movie from my phone.

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