The dark Knight - comedy, Joker and the brilliant finale


My favourite comic moments
Joker, opening scene and the pace
Memorable Moment

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I remember going to see Batman-The Dark Knight, at the cinema for the first time, a few days after it was released in theatres. I went in the afternoon at 3 pm with some friends and then my parents were going to pick me up since I was still in high school at the time and I didn't have a car... I remember walking out of the theatre super excited and not realizing how much time had passed... I didn't know how long the film would last and I had told my father to pick me up after two hours from the beginning (which was a reasonable length for a film).
I didn't even realize that it had been more than 2 hours and when I got to the car there was my father waiting there a bit annoyed 😅.
I already knew from that time that this would be one of my favorite films and that I would watch it several times throughout my life (I think I've made it to 10 rewatches so far 😂).


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My favourite comic moments

Batman is considered a great film for many reasons, such as Heath Ledger's legendary performance as the Joker, made even more iconic by his departure a few months after finishing shooting the film. Christian Bale himself is for me a great Batman, although in this film he almost becomes a secondary character who acts as a side dish to the real protagonist, the Joker himself.

But instead, I would like to emphasize an aspect of the film that is probably not the most remembered, but in the various rewatches I have done I have always appreciated, the comedy.
Some parts of the film, especially those concerning Alfred, are memorable to me.

Starting when Bruce Wayne decides to sabotage Rachel and Harvey Dent's date to the premiere of the Russian Ballet, he takes all the dancers in a private yatch with him, and here Alfred who is left with all the girls alone by Bruce, asks him if he can teach him how to say in Russian:

"put your own bloody sunset lotion" 😂

(poor Alfred is living the dream of many heterosexual males but he doesn't care about that).

Even when Batman has to go and protect his employee who had decided to expose him, only to be targeted by the Joker... Bruce is coming out of the Bat cave (although calling it such is a bit funny) and Alfred asks him if he's going to take the Bat-mobile, but Bruce tells him it's too conspicuous and leaves... Alfred is left alone and says,

"the Lamborghini then, much more discreet" 😂.

Finally, when Bruce says to him, "Today you get to say I told you so", after he decides to surrender to the Joker to stop him from killing people and, Alfred says: "today I don't want to". They start walking together, then Alfred comes closer to him and says:

"But I did bloody tell you!" 😂


A small credit also goes to Morgan Freeman in the scene where one of the employees wants to blackmail Mr. Wayne, having discovered that he is actually Batman. And he tells him:

"Let me get this straight, you think that your client, one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world, is secretly a vigilante, who spends his nights beating criminals to a pulp with his bare hands, and your plan is to blackmail this person?". 🙈

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Joker, opening scene and the pace

Other points that make it in my opinion an unmatched film are:

  • The opening scene, where in a very quick escalation of events, all the members of the gang storming the mob bank self-eliminate among themselves following the orders of this Joker (whom no one knows and no one has ever seen), only to discover that he is also among them... A perfect introduction to the character.
  • It has an incredible pace, no pauses are too long, it keeps you attached to the screen constantly, switching between the various trials of the Joker and the moves of the police and Batman;

  • The Joker himself, one of the coolest villains in film history. As Alfred says, there are men who don't act for reasons or follow plans, some men just want to see the world burn...
    And this point is summed up perfectly in the scene of the mountain of banknotes that the Joker decides to burn... Explaining that it's his side and not the mob's, making it clear that he doesn't care about money, and doesn't have vile and futile motives like the other criminals in Gotham... The city deserves a better class of criminals, and he's ready to give it to them.

"You see, I'm, a guy of simple taste: I enjoy dynamite, and gunpowder... and gasoline! Ah ah ah. Do you know the thing that they have in common? They're cheap."

I could go on forever praising this film but I'll stop here.

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Memorable moment

The ending of the film: perfect. In the fight between Batman and the Joker, the latter is captured but as in the rest of the film, he leaves nothing to chance and is always one step ahead of everyone. He has taken the perfect citizen of Gotham and made him the worst possible person, making them all lose their last efforts.

"Madness is like gravity, all it takes is a little push".

And then we arrive at the solution devised by Batman, who decides to sacrifice himself in the name of justice by becoming the villain so that no one can discover that in reality, the champion of justice Harvey Dent has actually become the villain of the story. He is used to being an outcast, he is used to taking the blame and running away he can take it all...

"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." I can do those things, because I'm not a hero, not like Dent. I killed those people, that's what I can be."

"...he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero."

"He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight."

God, I love this movie 😍.



The tranquillity of Gotham City is undermined by the arrival of a new criminal: the Joker. Dangerous, sociopathic, and manipulative, the Joker brings chaos to the city, unceremoniously undermining even the relationship between Lieutenant Jim Gordon, the new District Attorney, Harvey Dent, and Batman, who together are supposed to prevail over evil and let good reign. The Joker, however, throws Gotham into anarchy and causes the Dark Knight to make missteps, turning him from hero to executioner.

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Nothing more to add, just one of the best movies ever made. So, please, please, please, if you have not yet seen it... do so!!!

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My personal vote is:


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