馃幀 The construction of worlds 馃帴 En-Esp


When I went to the movies to see Poor Things several things stayed in my mind, but the one that is still there today is the audacity they had to create such an incredible and beautiful world with such a neat production design. I think about that and it amazes me because a lot of times when directors want to tell a fantasy or science fiction story the first thing they have to do is think about the world where they want to set their characters. One of the tips I've been given for writing a story is to create the context of the story before the story itself, because the world and the situation make a big difference in how your characters react to situations, because the decisions they make can be plausible or not, if you show that in that world they live in, those decisions are totally believable.




And worlds are built in such different ways that it's impressive to see how some people do it. Yorgos Lanthimos himself (director of Poor Things) had already created an extravagant world in his film The Lobster, before Poor Things, and how did he do it without the need for such extravagant production design as in his latest film? With dialogue, dialogue and context, basically. That's how you explain what your characters are like and what they can do, but beyond that, there are directors who take it to a whole other level.




Mad Max started out as a revenge movie, basically, but George Miller had another idea for the saga and that's completely noticeable now. When you watch Fury Road or Furiosa, you fully understand that the movie is not only an action movie but also a fantasy movie in a world that is governed by its own rules and dynamics; the fun of that saga is not only because of all the action it brings from its hand, but because of the imagery that all that action entails. Without going too far and following the clich茅 of action movies, one of the best things that John Wick had in his first two films was to present that world of hired killers who were all over the world and were governed by a single law and its commandments, something that fills not only the story but also the saga as such.




The gradual world building is also a beautiful thing to see. It is very interesting how some works throw you into a completely built world and what they explain to you is only a fraction of what the whole universe means, such as Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars or Dune, however, seeing how things evolve over the years is also great to see, since the viewer feels that it is growing along with the story. An example of this is the new Planet of the Apes saga, where we see the story of Caesar and we can see how in the first films the world is as we know it, but as the films progress we see a greener world with other rules.




No doubt world-building is an eye-catcher if done well, and I'm happy that films and directors are now looking to showcase their vision based on the worlds they build, being both a tool for the story and a way to elevate your film cinematically.





Cu谩ndo fui al cine a ver Poor Things varias cosas quedaron en mi mente, pero la que sigue ah铆 a d铆a de hoy es la audacia que tuvieron para crear un mundo tan incre铆ble y hermoso con ese dise帽o de producci贸n tan pulcro. Pienso en eso y me sorprende porque muchas veces cu谩ndo los directores quieren contar una historia de fantas铆a o de ciencia ficci贸n lo primero que tienen que hacer es pensar en el mundo d贸nde quieren establecer a sus personajes. Uno de los consejos que me han dado para escribir una historia es crear el contexto de la historia antes que la historia en s铆, porque el mundo y la situaci贸n hacen una gran diferencial en c贸mo tus personajes reaccionan a las situaciones, ya que, las decisiones que estos tomen pueden ser veros铆miles o no, si tu demuestras que en ese mundo que viven, esas decisiones son totalmente cre铆bles.




Y los mundos se construyen de formas tan diferentes que es impresionante ver c贸mo algunas personas lo hacen. El propio Yorgos Lanthimos (director de Poor Things) ya hab铆a creado un mundo extravagante en su pel铆cula The Lobster, antes de Poor Things, 驴y c贸mo lo hizo sin la necesidad de un dise帽o de producci贸n tan extravagante c贸mo en su 煤ltima pel铆cula? Con dialogo, dialogo y contexto, b谩sicamente. As铆 explicas c贸mo son tus personajes y lo que pueden hacer, pero, m谩s all谩 de eso, hay directores que llevan eso a todo otro nivel.




Mad Max empez贸 c贸mo una pel铆cula de venganza, b谩sicamente, pero George Miller ten铆a otra idea para la saga y eso se nota completamente ahora. Cu谩ndo ves Fury Road o Furiosa, se entiende completamente que la pel铆cula no es solo una pel铆cula de acci贸n sino tambi茅n de fantas铆a en un mundo que se rige por sus propias reglas y din谩micas; lo divertido de esa saga no es solo por toda la acci贸n que trae de su mano, sino por la imaginer铆a que conlleva toda esa acci贸n. Sin ir muy lejos y siguiendo el t贸pico de las pel铆culas de acci贸n, de lo mejor que ten铆a Jhon Wick en sus primeras dos pel铆culas era presentar ese mundo de asesinos a sueldo que estaban por todo el mundo y se reg铆an por una 煤nica ley y sus mandamientos, cosa que llena no solo de riqueza la historia sino tambi茅n la saga c贸mo tal.




La construcci贸n de mundos de forma paulatina tambi茅n es algo precioso de ver. Es muy interesante c贸mo algunas obras te lanzan en un mundo completamente construido y lo que te explican es solo una fracci贸n de lo que significa todo ese universo, c贸mo por ejemplo juego de tronos, el se帽or de los anillos, Star Wars o Dune, sin embargo, ver como las cosas van evolucionando con el paso de los a帽os tambi茅n es magn铆fico de ver, ya que, el espectador siente que va creciendo junto con la historia. Un ejemplo de esto es la nueva saga del planeta de los simios, d贸nde vemos la historia de Cesar y podemos ver c贸mo en las primeras pel铆culas el mundo es tal y c贸mo lo conocemos, pero mientras las pel铆culas avanzan vemos un mundo m谩s verde y con otras reglas.




Sin duda la construcci贸n de mundos es algo llamativo si se hace bien, y estoy feliz de que las pel铆culas y los directores ahora est茅n buscando mostrar su visi贸n a base de los mundos que construyen, siendo tanto una herramienta para la historia c贸mo una forma de elevar tu pel铆cula de forma cinematogr谩fica.




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