MOVIE REVIEW || The Immaculate Room

Hello guys. I hope you are doing great today. I am so so excited getting in touch with you all.

For a while now, I have not really had time to watch movies. But for the sake of the friends I have here, I decided to watch a movie, ascertain how interesting and educative it will be, and then share it with you all so that you can also benefit from the message the movie is trying to share.
I had so many movies to choose from. Out of the many, I settled for The Immaculate Room.


The Immaculate Room is a single movie written and directed by Mumunda Micheal Dewil. The hero and heroine are Emily Hirsch and Kate Bosworth who played the role Kate and Mikie respectively.



A couple has to stay in a single room for fifty (50) good days without having any communication with the outside world. If they are able to do this at the end of the fifty days, they get to walk away with a whooping prize of five (5) million dollars. But if one person leaves, the prize drops to one(1) million dollars.
Let's see what transpired between them within the 50 days stay in the immaculate room.
There is an opportunity to take a treat. Which means something would be brought from outside to you. This does not come for free through. It has a fee of $100,000 which will be subtracted from the amount of money won.
The movie has almost the same style or approach as Squid Game. The difference here is that, there is no competition and no betting on one's life. It seeks to test the ability of couples to endure one another.
Let's get started. I am sure you will enjoy it.


Mikie and Kate walk into the Immaculate room and are so so excited because they are about to win an amount of money that will change their lives forever. After being on top of the moon and celebrating here and there, Kate establishes a serious conversation which has to do with what they should do with the money when they win it. Kate suggests that they should share it equally amongst themselves and each person should be allowed to do whatsoever s/he wishes to do with it. Mikie says he would build a studio for his artworks and spend some quality time having all the fun in this world. Kate simply says she will invest the money.


One might wonder how they get to feed since they cannot access the outside world or even prepare something for themselves. Definitely they cannot survive without eating for 50 days.
Kate and Mikie are provided a drink three times a day covering breakfast, lunch and supper. The drink is made in such a way that it provides all the essential nutrients needed by the body to keep man moving.


To begin her day, it is a daily routine for Kate to look at herself in the mirror and repeat these words " Today is my day. Today, I will show the world my worth. Today, I will summon abundance. My name is Katherine Frith and today is my day. Today is my day! " I think this routine is worth mentioning. It has the ability to fill your mind your mind with so much positivity. It gives you so much confidence and with that you can conquer the world. You can read more on it online. One famous writer who I know to have made mention of this routine is Rhonda Byrne.


With their days going back and forth and almost looking exactly the same, frustration sets in. It's been 27 days already, remainder 23 days.


Mikie being an artist, and also being so bored at the same time, he decides to take a treat. A gren colored crayon is dropped for him, then be begins to do what he does best, paint. He does some amazing pieces of art on the wall.


They were finally given an opportunity to connect with their families. Mikie had the chance to speak with his sister. They had an amazing conversation.


When it was Kate's turn, she did not want to talk because it was her dad. She claims she has had really terrible experiences and moments with her dad and she is not ready to face her at that moment. Mike listened to Kate's father, all he did was express how sorry he was for treating Kate that way. Kate became really depressed and got consoled ny Mikie.


Kate then asked Mikie to take another treat. This time, a woman entered the room after they made a request for a treat. Understandably, both of them decided to share the same bed with the new girl, after all, she would not be there for long.


Later that night, as Kate was asleep, she heard murmurs, Mikie and Alice talking. Mikie shared a story of how he lost his brother and Alice had to concole because he was very emotional. She held Mikie's hand and then Kate chanced upon that. She was not happy about that. Early in the morning they woke and Alice was no where to be found.

Kate brought back the issue of Alice holding Mikie's hand. The matter got serious and Kate pushed Mikie. He fell, hit his heard on the gound and started bleeing.


With what has transpired, he said he cannot continue with the game, that might lead to the death of both of them. Kate was not in support in support of Mikie leaving because she did not want the money to drop to $1 million dollars. She then pointed a gun at Mikie. The gun was dropped in the room during their fives few days of staying in that particular room.Kate could not fire the gun so Mikie was able to leave.


With so much depression all around her, Kate manged to complete the rest of the days and won the prize of $1 million.


In the outside world, Mikie meets Kate whilst he was jogging. Kate was from her Father's home. There, I am sure they reconciled. Both of them had a little chat and decided to move towards Kate's car. Apparently, they migjt come back together.



The writer of the story then tries to keep all of us in suspense. He brings another couple into the Immaculate room. There begins another chapter for those couple.

Apart from the cover image, all images used in this post are screenshots I took while watching the movie.

Thank you so so much for reading.
Your Friend.......Abdul-Rashid! ! !

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