(Esp/Eng) Worst roommate ever (Review without spoilers)

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(Review - Los peores compañeros de casa del mundo)

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Hace poco, navegando en Netflix buscando que ver para matar el tiempo, me topé con una serie que llamó poderosamente mi atención y esa era "Los peores compañeros de casa del mundo". Una serie/documental del género policial la cual, en 8 capítulos por el momento divididos en 2 temporadas en los cuales, se nos cuentan historias individuales reales donde, personas que necesitan dinero, alquilan cuartos de su casa a desconocidos que, se convertiran en su peor pesadilla.

Recently, while browsing Netflix looking for something to watch to kill time, I came across a series that caught my attention and that was "The World's Worst Roommates". A crime genre series/documentary, with 8 episodes so far divided into 2 seasons, telling real individual stories where people in need of money rent out rooms in their home to strangers who become their worst nightmare.


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Como dije, cada episodio nos muestra una historia diferente de personas que alojaron mentes perversas en sus casas sin saberlo transformando así un hogar en un auténtico infierno.

Entre mas avanzan los capítulos, mas potente se pone la cosa y hay un abanico muy amplio de diferentes mentes perversas cuyo único objetivo es destruir a su casero o sus demás compañeros de casa y, al ver todo esto, te replanteas bien de a quien meter a tu casa.

As I said, each episode shows us a different story of people who hosted sinister minds in their homes unknowingly turning a house into a real hell.

As the episodes progress, things get more intense and there is a wide range of different sinister minds whose only goal is to destroy their landlord or other housemates, and, as you see all this, you rethink carefully who to invite into your house.

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Es dinámica, entretenida y original ya que no solo muestra testimonios de las víctimas con ellas sentada hablando sino que, en algunas partes, a medida que testifican se va animando la historia lo cual hace que te compenetres mas con lo que cuentan y realmente, es escalofriante ver como esas animaciones, recrean lo que vivieron con sus compañeros de casa infernales. Es tan entretenida que cuando menos te des cuenta, te la habrás visto completa.

Si te gustan las series documentales policiales y buscas algo original, no te la puedes perder. Historias de crímenes con animaciones igual de tétricas que no necesitan tener diálogos para sentir el pavor que cada victima sintió ya que las imágenes valen mas que mil palabras.

It is dynamic, entertaining, and original because it not only shows testimonies of the victims as they sit talking, but also, in some parts, as they testify, the story becomes animated which makes you empathize more with what they are telling, and truly, it is chilling to see how those animations recreate what they experienced with their hellish housemates. It is so engaging that before you know it, you will have watched the whole thing.

If you enjoy police documentary series and are looking for something original, you can't miss it. Crime stories with animations just as eerie that don't need to have dialogues to feel the terror that each victim felt because the images are worth more than a thousand words.


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En fin, esta serie nose porque no tiene mas reconocimiento si es espectacular. Desde el principio quedas enganchado y cuando menos te das cuenta, te la viste completa. Historias horrorosas contadas de una forma original.

Le doy un 20 de 10 ¡Saludos!

Anyway, this series I don't know why it doesn't have more recognition if it's spectacular. From the beginning, you get hooked and before you know it, you've watched the whole thing. Horrible stories told in an original way.

I give it a 20 out of 10! Greetings!

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✏️ Tex by: @aibi93 | ✏️ Translated with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

📷 Cover image edited on Canva.com | 📷 images: Filmaffinity | Gifs created by me in capcut

✂️ Created dividers and banner created by me in Canva, Photoscape and Photoshop. Banner Hive by ikasumanera

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