(Esp/Eng) Killers womans: Review chapter 4 /Ana Maria Gomez Tejerina - Stubborn Killer

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隆Hola a todos los que me est谩n leyendo! Espero est茅n muy bien , yo, muy feliz de estar nuevamente en esta comunidad ya que es una de mis favoritas y no quiero perder la oportunidad de rese帽ar poco a poco las series y pel铆culas que me encantan. Mayormente las pel铆culas o series que publico por aqu铆 son de terror porque es mi genero favorito pero quien dice que alg煤n d铆a rese帽e una comedia pero ese no sera el d铆a de hoy je,je,je.

Hace tiempo no hacia rese帽a de mi serie policial favorita de Argentina titulada "Mujeres asesinas" la cual recordemos esta basada en casos de cr铆menes reales que fueron cometido por , justamente, mujeres en situaci贸n de vulnerabilidad o en algunos casos por mujeres que nacieron con el gen del mal.

Hoy, toca el caso de "Ana Mar铆a G贸mez Tejerina - Asesina obstinada" el cual es el capitulo 4 de la primera temporada. Como dije antes, los asesinatos son perpetrados por mujeres en dos situaciones: Vulnerabilidad o maldad. Este caso apela a la segunda opci贸n ya que veremos la maldad encarnada en una mujer hermosa pero sin coraz贸n alguno dej谩ndose llevar por la codicia.

Antes de empezar, si no viste la serie debo advertirte que habr谩 spoilers, sutiles pero spoilers en fin as铆 que nunca esta de mas esta advertencia. Te presentare mi rese帽a y opini贸n de como se presento el caso en la pantalla chica y el caso real en el cual Marisa Grinstein (Autora de los libros) se baso as铆 que aclarado esto, comencemos.

Hello to everyone who is reading me! I hope you are doing well, I, very happy to be back in this community since it is one of my favorites and I don't want to miss the opportunity to review little by little the series and movies that I love. Mostly the movies or series that I post here are horror because it is my favorite genre but who says that someday I will review a comedy but that will not be today he,he,he,he.

It's been a while since I reviewed my favorite police series from Argentina entitled "Mujeres asesinas " which is based on real crimes committed by women in vulnerable situations or in some cases by women who were born with the evil gene.

Today, it is the case of "Ana Mar铆a G贸mez Tejerina - Stubborn Killer " which is chapter 4 of the first season. As I said before, murders are perpetrated by women in two situations: Vulnerability or evil. This case appeals to the second option since we will see evil incarnated in a beautiful but heartless woman driven by greed.

Before we begin, if you haven't seen the series I must warn you that there will be spoilers, subtle spoilers but spoilers nonetheless, so this warning is never too much. I will present you my review and opinion of how the case was presented on the small screen and the real case on which Marisa Grinstein (author of the books) was based, so with that said, let's begin.


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  • Trama/Plot:

La trama se centra en 3 personajes: Ana Tejerina (Julieta Diaz) , Carlos (Lito Cruz) y el amante (Daniel Fanego).

Como es predecible, hay un triangulo amoroso entre estos tres personajes pero un poco injusto porque Carlos , el marido de Ana Mar铆a, no sabe del amor铆o de esta el cual para agregar un condimento mas de cinismo y maldad, el amante de Ana es el mejor amigo de Carlos. Por si esto fuera poco, ambos planean matarlo para quedarse con todo su fortuna porque si, Carlos es de alto poder adquisitivo y Ana se caso con el por inter茅s. Este plan se viene maquetando desde hace tiempo pero por una u otra raz贸n, siempre fallan lo cual hace que Ana pierda la paciencia y cada vez le cueste mas fingir ser la esposa perfecta porque adem谩s, Carlos es bastante mas mayor que ella y manifiesta el asco que le produce acostarse con el.

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As predictable, there is a love triangle between these three characters but a little unfair because Carlos, Ana Maria's husband, does not know about her affair and to add an extra spice of cynicism and wickedness, Ana's lover is Carlos' best friend. As if this were not enough, both plan to kill him to keep all his fortune because, yes, Carlos is a wealthy man and Ana married him out of interest. This plan has been in the works for a long time but for one reason or another, they always fail, which makes Ana lose her patience and it becomes increasingly difficult for her to pretend to be the perfect wife because Carlos is much older than her and she is disgusted to sleep with him.

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  • Rese帽a/Review:

Como ya dije, este capitulo es sobre una mujer que naci贸 con el gen de la maldad cas谩ndose con alguien no solo por dinero sino tambi茅n, para matarlo. Fr铆a, calculadora, siniestra creo que son adjetivos que le quedan perfectos a este personaje interpretado por la bella Julieta Diaz. Pero no solo mencionare a la mujer sino tambien al hombre, el amante que con todo descaro fue capaz de meterse con la mujer de su amigo y no conforme con eso, ayuda a Ana a planear su asesinato consiguiendo los mejores sicarios. Otro extra, todo el dinero que usaban para pagar a los asesinos a sueldo sal铆a del bolsillo de Carlos y este jam谩s se entero de nada lo cual, me causaba mas repugnancia para estos dos porque parece que una persona entre mas buena y leal es mas la machacan.

Este contexto esta representado perfectamente porque Carlos nunca dejo de confiar en Ana porque la amaba. Lo mismo para con su "amigo" y la traici贸n de ambos me parece una de las mas viles que vi. Ambos hicieron que los odiara as铆 que creo que interpretaron bien su papel .

La desesperaci贸n que muestra la actriz cuando ve que sus planes por matar a su esposo fallan hace que la odie aun mas. Para que una persona este tan ansiosa por ver muerto a alguien que jam谩s le hizo da帽o tiene que ser la encarnaci贸n del demonio o alguien con alguna patolog铆a psicop谩tica porque ella, se mostraba como la esposa perfecta , agradable, atenta pero su interior estaba podrido. Ame el trabajo de Julieta interpretando a esta psic贸pata sin escr煤pulos capaz de todo por algo tan ef铆mero como el dinero.

Odie ambos personajes por igual ya que solo los mov铆a la codicia y una maldad pura y eso se reflejo perfectamente cuando fing铆an tristeza cuando cre铆an que Carlos hab铆a muerto en algunos de sus intentos fallido por acabarlo pero por dentro, se notaba rebozaban de alegr铆a.

La m煤sica, la ambientaci贸n, el hilo de la historia , todo se combinaba perfectamente creando un ambiente ameno para Carlos creyendo que tenia la esposa perfecta a su lado y hostil para Ana ya que estaba en una lucha con sus dos caras: La de esposa perfecta ante la sociedad y la de una mujer que solo quer铆a enterrar a su marido para tener su fortuna y hacer su vida con su amante. Es incre铆ble como hay gente que puede llegar a ser tan hip贸crita que hasta frente a la victima , aun fingen que lo aman mientras que planean las cosas mas macabras. Si, quede indignada pero la idea del capitulo ja,ja,ja.

Me dio pena el personaje de Lito Cruz porque se ve铆a no era mal hombre pero antes de juzgar , como siempre, quise saber mas y por eso me puse en modo investigadora para saber del caso real.

As I said, this chapter is about a woman who was born with the evil gene marrying someone not only for money but also to kill him. Cold, calculating, sinister I think are adjectives that fit perfectly to this character played by the beautiful Julieta Diaz. But I will not only mention the woman but also the man, the lover who with all his nerve was able to mess with his friend's wife and not satisfied with that, he helps Ana to plan her murder by getting the best hitmen. Another extra, all the money they used to pay the hired killers came out of Carlos' pocket and he never knew anything about it, which made me more disgusted for these two because it seems that the more good and loyal a person is, the more they crush him. This context is perfectly represented because Carlos never stopped trusting Ana because he loved her. The same for his "friend" and the betrayal of both seems to me one of the most vile I've ever seen. They both made me hate them so I think they played their roles well.

The desperation the actress shows when she sees her plans to kill her husband fail makes me hate her even more. For a person to be so anxious to see someone who never hurt her dead she has to be the devil incarnate or someone with some psychopathic pathology because she, was shown as the perfect wife , nice, attentive but her inside was rotten. Love Julieta's work playing this unscrupulous psychopath capable of anything for something as ephemeral as money.

I hated both characters equally as they were driven only by greed and pure evil and that was perfectly reflected when they feigned sadness when they believed that Carlos had died in some of their failed attempts to finish him but inside, you could tell they were brimming with joy.

The music, the setting, the thread of the story, everything combined perfectly creating a pleasant atmosphere for Carlos believing that he had the perfect wife by his side and hostile for Ana as she was in a struggle with her two faces: The perfect wife before society and a woman who only wanted to bury her husband to have her fortune and make her life with her lover. It is incredible how some people can be so hypocritical that even in front of the victim, they still pretend to love him while they plan the most macabre things. Yes, I was outraged but the idea of the chapter ha,ha,ha,ha.

I felt sorry for Lito Cruz's character because he was not a bad man but before judging, as always, I wanted to know more and that's why I went into research mode to find out about the real case.

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  • Caso real/Realcase:

El caso real fue bastante parecido a la ficci贸n solo que se nos mostraba mas como fue la ni帽ez de Ana Mar铆a y como se conocieron con su amante.

Ana, vio frente a sus ojos como su padre se quitaba la vida. Debido a esto su madre empez贸 a trabajar el triple para mantenerla a ella y sus hermanos. De alguna extra帽a forma, en vez de estar triste por ese suceso, le agarro odio a los hombres por eso los trataba como si solo fueran un numero hasta que conoci贸 al amor de su vida mostrado como amante en el capitulo. Este era pobre as铆 que buscaron enganchar a Ana con un hombre adinero. La pobre victima en cuesti贸n fue Carlos Peretti, due帽o de Peretti S.A , una marca de licores muy conocida aqu铆 en Argentina as铆 que este era el blanco adinerado que buscaban.

El plan era que se casen, matarlo con un sicario , pasarlo como accidente, heredar la fortuna de Carlos para finalmente vivir junto al amor de su vida.

Despu茅s de varios intentos fallidos, finalmente acabaron con el pero no fueron inteligentes ya que el dinero que usaban era de Carlos y l polic铆a no tardo en darse cuenta. Todo esto ocurri贸 en el a帽o 76, si bien ambos fueron condenados a perpetua, salieron en libertad y mas nunca se supo mas nada de ellos. Tal vez hicieron su vida felices o quiz谩 la condena social los termino de aniquilar porque no se puede ser feliz nunca sobre lo que se destruyo.

El capitulo bastante fiel a la historia real. Totalmente recomendado. Te dejo la nota real deAna Mar铆a G贸mez Tejerina para que la leas a mas detalle.

The real case was quite similar to the fictional one, only that we were shown more of Ana Maria's childhood and how they met her lover.

Ana, saw in front of her eyes how her father took his own life. Because of this her mother began to work three times as hard to support her and her siblings. In a strange way, instead of being sad about this event, she hated men and treated them as if they were just a number until she met the love of her life shown as her lover in the chapter. He was poor so they sought to hook Ana up with a wealthy man. The poor victim in question was Carlos Peretti, owner of Peretti S.A., a well known liquor brand here in Argentina so this was the wealthy target they were looking for. The plan was for them to get married, kill him with a hitman, pass it off as an accident, inherit Carlos' fortune and finally live with the love of his life.

After several failed attempts, they finally killed him but they were not smart because the money they used was Carlos' and the police soon realized it. All this happened in 76, although both were sentenced to life imprisonment, they were released and nothing more was ever heard of them. Perhaps they made their lives happy or perhaps the social condemnation ended up annihilating them because you can never be happy about what was destroyed.

The chapter is quite faithful to the real story. Totally recommended. I leave you the real note of Ana Mar铆a G贸mez Tejerina so that you can read it in more detail.

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Bueno hasta ac谩 la rese帽a de hoy. Me gusta cuando hacen adaptaciones que son fieles a la realidad aunque me hubiera gustado ver mas en el capitulo el pasado de Ana. Por suerte en el libro esta todo detallado y me lo le铆 todito je,je,je. No me quejo, estuvo muy bueno el capitulo as铆 que de nuevo lo recomiendo totalmente.

El crimen fue lamentable la verdad porque tal como se mostro en pantalla, Peretti era un buen hombre y no merec铆a morir a manos de esos dos inescrupulosos avaros. Su 煤nico error, fue enamorarse de quien no deb铆a.

Gracias por leerme y nos vemos en la pr贸xima馃枻

Well, this is the end of today's review. I like when they make adaptations that are faithful to reality although I would have liked to see more of Ana's past in the chapter. Luckily in the book everything is detailed and I read it all he,he,he,he. I'm not complaining, the chapter was very good so again I totally recommend it.

The crime was unfortunate because as it was shown on screen, Peretti was a good man and did not deserve to die at the hands of those two unscrupulous misers. His only mistake was to fall in love with the wrong person.

Thanks for reading and see you next time馃枻.

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鉁忥笍 Texto por: @aibi93 | Informaci贸n del caso real: Ana Mar铆a G贸mez Tejerina

馃帴 Gifs y fotos Creados por mi en Filmora y Canva.com | Recursos usados: Escena del crimen - Mariposa negra - Capturas de pantalla del capitulo tomadas por mi.

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