(Esp/Eng) Killer Womans chapter 20 (Ofelia, in love - The most saddest chapter) - Review

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(Ofelia, enamorada (El cap铆tulo mas triste) - Capitulo 19 - Rese帽a)

VERSI脫N EN ESPA脩OL (click aqu铆)

驴Qu茅 estar铆as dispuesto a hacer por amor? 驴Qu茅 estar铆as dispuesto a hacer para que la persona que amas no sufra? Estos interrogantes se plantean el d铆a de hoy en este capitulo que para mi, es uno de los mas tristes y conmovedores de todos ya que por primera vez en esta serie se nos presenta una verdadera historia de amor lo cual, es algo ex贸tico considerando que todos los cap铆tulos tratan mas bien de desamor, maltratos y abusos.

Prepara tus pa帽uelos porque no podr谩s evitar no conmoverte con la historia de la pareja de hoy inspirada en un caso real el cual, gener贸 debates sobre si Ofelia ten铆a o no derecho a hacer lo que hizo aunque fuera por puro amor.

What would you be willing to do for love? What would you be willing to do so that the person you love does not suffer? These questions are raised today in this chapter which, for me, is one of the saddest and most moving of all, since for the first time in this series a true love story is presented to us, which is something exotic considering that all the chapters mostly deal with heartbreak, abuse, and mistreatment.

Get your tissues ready because you won't be able to help but be moved by the story of the couple today inspired by a real case, which sparked debates about whether Ophelia had the right to do what she did even if it was out of pure love.

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Tu Historia Accesorios Tendencia Abstracto Marron.jpg

  • Trama/Plot:

VERSI脫N EN ESPA脩OL (click aqu铆)

Ofelia y Ricardo son una pareja casada hace 40 a帽os pero, que siguen como el primer d铆a: Profundamente enamorados el uno del otro.

Todo en la vida de ambos es perfecto. Tienen hijos exitosos, se aman, tienen un hogar , una vida tranquila pero, Ricardo, cae terriblemente enfermo y Ofelia, se ve terriblemente desesperada al ver como el amor de su vida se va apagando poco a poco y se debate en si seguir o terminar de una vez con aquel martirio.

Ofelia and Ricardo have been a married couple for 40 years, but they are still like the first day: deeply in love with each other.

Everything in their lives is perfect. They have successful children, they love each other, they have a home, a peaceful life but Ricardo falls terribly ill and Ofelia becomes terribly desperate to see how the love of her life is gradually fading away and she debates whether to continue or to end once and for all that ordeal.

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  • Review/Rese帽a:

    VERSI脫N EN ESPA脩OL (click aqu铆)

    Que decirles sobre este capitulo mas que es espectacular , deprimente y esperanzador en el amor para toda la vida . El hecho de saber que tuvieron una vida plena y aun ten铆an mas por vivir, vi茅ndose esto truncado por una mala jugada de la vida ,me parte el alma porque pocas veces (Mejor dicho nunca) vi esto en esta serie. Un amor completo, entregado, sin condici贸n y que termina de forma tan tr谩gica.

    Los actores son un lujo (Q.E.P.D) Hugo Arana que hizo un papel espectacular y Leonor Manso una genia como plasm贸 la desesperaci贸n de una mujer que ve que su amado se consume como una vela. La banda sonora acompa帽a de forma exquisita los momentos claves de tristeza hundiendo al espectador en un estado de depresi贸n terrible. Imposible no ponerse en los zapatos de los personajes.

    Cada detalle, cada sonido, cada escenario todo es perfecto y te transporta a un futuro del cual podr铆as ser protagonista tambien si tienes un ser amado de este calibre. Un lujo.

    What to say about this chapter other than it is spectacular, depressing, and hopeful in love for a lifetime. The fact of knowing that they had a full life and still had more to live, seeing this truncated by a bad play of life, breaks my heart because few times (Or rather never) did I see this in this series. A complete, devoted, unconditional love that ends in such a tragic way.

    The actors are a luxury (R.I.P) Hugo Arana who did a spectacular role and Leonor Manso a genius how she portrayed the despair of a woman who sees her beloved one consuming like a candle. The soundtrack exquisitely accompanies the key moments of sadness, sinking the viewer into a terribly depressive state. Impossible not to put yourself in the characters' shoes.

    Every detail, every sound, every scene is perfect and transports you to a future in which you could also be the protagonist if you have a loved one of this caliber. A luxury.

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    Instagram Story Naturaleza Viajes Polaroid Verde (1).jpg

    • Caso real/Real case:

    VERSI脫N EN ESPA脩OL (click aqu铆)

    El caso real ocurri贸 en Necochea, Buenos Aires en el a帽o 1998 y la mujer en cuesti贸n, se llamaba Ofelia Lombardo la cual, lo 煤nico que dec铆a era que todo lo que hizo, fue por amor y para el d铆a del acto, escogi贸 simb贸licamente un 14 de Febrero . Algo muy curioso para mi ya que ese es el d铆a del amor.

    Los titulares dec铆an "Mat贸 por amor" y las opiniones se encontraron bifurcada en si ella tenia derecho o no a hacer eso en fin, una historia tr谩gica de amor y si quieres leer el caso real a detalle te dejo el Link por aqu铆 ya que si sigo contando te voy a spoilear todo el capitulo y no es la idea.

    The actual case occurred in Necochea, Buenos Aires in the year 1998 and the woman in question was named Ofelia Lombardo who, all she said was that everything she did, was out of love and for the day of the act, symbolically chose a February 14th. Quite curious to me as that is the day of love.

    The headlines read "She Killed for Love" and opinions were divided on whether she had the right to do that or not, in the end, a tragic love story and if you want to read the full real case in detail, I leave you the Link here as if I keep going, I'll spoil the whole chapter and that's not the idea.

    VERSI脫N EN ESPA脩OL (click aqu铆)

    Este capitulazo se merece un 20/10 por salirse del t贸pico de abusos de la serie y por tener un armado redondo que te deja un nudo en la garganta terrible 隆Saludos!

    This great chapter deserves a 20/10 for deviating from the typical theme of abuse in the series and for having a well-rounded storyline that leaves you with a terrible knot in your throat. Greetings!

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    鉁忥笍 Text by: @aibi93 | 鉁忥笍 Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo

    馃摲 Images : Buterfly on book , Crime scene . The images in the description are screenshots taken by me of the chapter and edited in Canva. | Cover edited on Canva.com

    鉁傦笍 Separators created by me in Photoshop and Canva.com. Hive divider by ikasumanera

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