(Esp/Eng) Killer Womans chapter 14 (Unwary witches and false women) - Review

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Physical or psychological abuse makes a person reach such an extreme that they wish that the person who causes them suffering would lose the most valuable thing a human being can have: His life.

Incautious witches and false women are just that, women subjected to mistreatment who are looking for an easy and quick way out, and that is why they resort to unorthodox methods to eliminate their problems at the root and forever.

Before I start with today's review, I must warn you that there will be spoilers so if you haven't seen this episode of the Argentinean series "Mujeres asesinas ", you can stop reading.

El maltrato f铆sico o psicol贸gico, hace que una persona llegue a tal extremo que desee que aquel que le produce ese sufrimiento, pierda lo m谩s valioso que un humano puede tener: Su vida.

Brujas incautas y falsa mujer es eso, mujeres sometidas a maltratos que buscan una salida f谩cil, r谩pida y, por eso recurren a m茅todos poco ortodoxos para eliminar sus problemas de ra铆z y para siempre.

Antes de empezar con la rese帽a de hoy, debo advertir que habr谩 spoilers as铆 que si no viste este episodio de la serie Argentina "Mujeres asesinas", puedes para de leer.


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  • Trama/Plot:

The plot revolves around 4 characters, but above all, around the brother Miguel and Yolanda. This brother is a healer who promises magical solutions to the problems of helpless women. In exchange for money, he promises them a potion that will literally wipe all their misfortunes off the map.

Brother Miguel is a swindler with a double life, since at night he practices transvestism (Falsa mujer) while during the day he swindles women (Las brujas incautas) to take money from them, always getting away with it until one of them breaks the scheme and that is Yolanda, a weak person in the eyes of this macabre and dark being.

La trama gira en torno a 4 personajes pero sobre todo, alrededor de el hermano Miguel y Yolanda. Este hermano es un curandero que promete soluciones m谩gicas a los problemas de mujeres desvalidas. A cambio de dinero, les promete una p贸cima que borrar谩, literal, del mapa todas sus desdichas.

El hermano Miguel, es un estafador con doble vida ya que por las noches, practica el travestismo (Falsa mujer) mientras que de d铆a, estafa mujeres (Las brujas incautas) para quitarles dinero sali茅ndose siempre con la suya hasta que una de ellas, rompe el esquema y esa es Yolanda, una persona d茅bil ante los ojos de este ser macabro y sombr铆o.

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  • Review/Rese帽a:

A demented episode that shows the opportunistic, resentful and macabre side of the human being represented in Miguel. A man who by day is dedicated to swindling women with false promises of prosperity, committing murder by the barrel of a gun, and by night, he transforms himself into Monica, a female personality who shows contempt for everyone, perhaps because of the resentment of not being accepted in society due to his sexual orientation, as it becomes evident, I deduce that he takes out his anger by indirectly killing men through their wives in order to get rid of some of his guilt, as he stresses that he never killed anyone directly, but rather it was his wives who decided to listen to him, despite the fact that he manipulated them as he wished. Alejandro Urdapilleta did an excellent job playing this role as I felt I was in the presence of a complete psychopath capable of anything. Grim, terrifying, unscrupulous, no adjective is enough to describe this character who completely stole the episode.

Claudia Font谩n shows us the side of the manipulated, vulnerable, desperate woman. The perfect target for this type of swindler. If anything stands out in this episode, it is not only the performances but also the details, such as Yolanda's shaking hands when she finally confronts her abusive husband. All the details present make this an extremely realistic interpretation and that makes you feel more in tune with the story.

As for the other characters, I feel that they only contributed their past to the story, as the main characters are Yolanda and Miguel. Although this episode was considered one of the worst of the series, for me, it is one of the best, as it reflects a little talked about reality, which is that of the swindler healers, of which there are many.

Un episodio demencial que muestra el lado oportunista, resentido y macabro del ser humano representado en Miguel. Un hombre que de d铆a se dedica a estafar mujeres con falsas promesas de prosperidad cometiendo asesinatos a mansalva, y de noche, se transforma pasando a ser M贸nica, una personalidad femenina que denota desprecio por todos tal vez , por el resentimiento de no ser aceptado en la sociedad por su orientaci贸n sexual ya que queda en evidencia, los maltratos que recibe por esto as铆 que deduzco, desquita su ira matando indirectamente a hombres a trav茅s de sus esposas para quitarse as铆, algo de culpa encima ya que recalca mucho que el no mat贸 nunca a nadie directamente sino que mas bien, fueron sus mujeres las que decidieron hacerle caso a pesar de que el, las manipul贸 a su antojo. Alejandro Urdapilleta hizo un trabajo excelente interpretando este papel ya que sent铆a estaba ante la presencia de un completo psic贸pata capaz de todo. Sombr铆o, aterrador, sin escr煤pulos, ning煤n adjetivo alcanza para describir este personaje que se rob贸 el capitulo por completo.

Claudia Font谩n, nos muestra el lado de la mujer manipulada, vulnerable, desesperada. El blanco perfecto para este tipo de estafadores. Si algo destaca en este capitulo, no son solo las actuaciones sino tambi茅n, los detalles como por ejemplo, el temblequeo de manos de Yolanda cuando por fin enfrenta a su esposo abusador. Todos los detalles presentes hacen de esta, una interpretaci贸n sumamente realista y eso logra hacer que compenetres mas con la historia.

En cuanto a los dem谩s personajes, siento que solo aportaron su pasado a la historia ya que los de peso son Yolanda y Miguel. Si bien, este capitulo fue catalogado como uno de los peores de la serie, para mi, es uno de los mejores ya que refleja una realidad poco hablada que es la de los curanderos estafadores de los cuales, abundan.

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  • Caso real/Real case:

I read about this case a long time ago in the book and it happened just as you see it on the screen. Unfortunately, I can't provide more info because the book was erased from my memory and I don't remember much nor is there any news of the case on the internet. It all happened near my home, in the Federal Capital between the 60's and 70's in which, brother Miguel, sold to his clients The liquor of the gods which was nothing more and nothing less than poison. Although they ended up in jail, he never showed repentance but continued in his role as a victim of society.

Este caso lo le铆 hace bastante tiempo en el libro y esto ocurr铆a tal cual se ve en la pantalla. Lamentablemente, no puedo proporcionar mas info debido a que el libro, se me borro de la memoria y mucho no recuerdo ni tampoco hay noticias del caso por internet . Todo ocurri贸 cerca de mi hogar, en la Capital Federal entre los a帽os 60 y 70 en los cuales, el hermano Miguel, vend铆a a sus clientas El licor de los dioses que no era nada mas ni nada menos que veneno. Aunque fueron a parar a la c谩rcel, este nunca mostro arrepentimiento sino que sigui贸 en su papel de victima de la sociedad.

Not one of the best but not one of the worst chapters so I give it a 7/10. To learn about these scammers is good and to understand more, the nature of both sides of the coin..

No es de los mejores pero tampoco de los peores cap铆tulos as铆 que le doy un 7/10 . Para aprender sobre estos estafadores esta bien y comprender mas, la naturaleza de ambas caras de la moneda.


"Yo quiero, como cuando era un ni帽o, jugar al teatro, pintarme la cara, disfrazarme y nada m谩s. Si me pueden pagar por eso mejor"/"I want, like when I was a child, to play theatre, paint my face, dress up and nothing else. If I can get paid for that, all the better"
Alejandro Urdapilleta (1954 - 2013)

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鉁忥笍 Text by: @aibi93 | 鉁忥笍 Translate with Deepl.com

馃摲 Images : Spoiler alert , Buterfly on book , Crime scene , Alejandro Urdapilleta. The images in the description are screenshots taken by me of the chapter and edited in Canva. | Cover edited on Canva.com

鉁傦笍 Separators created by me in Photoshop and Canva.com. Hive divider by ikasumanera

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