(Esp/Eng) Killer Womans chapter 12 (Margarita, the damned) - Review

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Well, I'm ashamed to say this but, here I am, after 2 months, coming back to upload reviews. Due to vacations and other things, I could not upload (I was not watching many series and / or movies) but I will resume this activity of reviewing the series Mujeres asesinas (Argentinean police series based on real events) and all kinds of movies and / or horror series because here, we love this genre.

Today's episode is the N掳12 of the first season and is titled: "Margarita , la maldita" and well, nothing more to add, what we will see in this episode will be pure evil embodied in a human being or rather, several because, not only a woman commits aberrant acts on this occasion but also, his entire family turning them into a clan of sadists without mercy.

The titles of this series, always throw some spoiler but it never hurts to give a warning before reading because I want to be as accurate as possible and I can not review well without giving some so warned this let's start.

Bueno, me da verg眉enza decir esto pero, ac谩 estoy, despu茅s de 2 meses, volviendo a subir rese帽as. Por motivo de vacaciones y otras cosas m谩s, no pude subir (No estuve viendo muchas series y/o pel铆culas) pero retomar茅 esta actividad de rese帽ar la serie Mujeres asesinas (Serie policial Argentina basada en hechos reales) y todo tipo de pel铆culas y/o series de terror ya que aqu铆, amamos este g茅nero.

El capitulo del d铆a de hoy es el N掳12 de la primera temporada y se titula: "Margarita , la maldita" y bueno, nada mas que agregar, lo que veremos en este episodio sera la pura maldad encarnada en un ser humano o mejor dicho, varios porque, no solo una mujer comete actos aberrantes en esta ocasi贸n sino que tambi茅n, toda su familia convirti茅ndolos en un clan de s谩dicos sin piedad.

Los t铆tulos de esta serie, siempre tiran alg煤n spoiler pero nunca esta de m谩s, dar un alerta antes de seguir leyendo porque quiero ser lo mas precisa posible y no puedo rese帽ar bien sin dar alguno as铆 que avisado esto comencemos.


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  • Trama/Plot:

The plot is simple: A young woman (Teodora), stays to live in a town in Chaco, Argentina and there, she goes to live with Margarita's son and his family. Both have a loving relationship, but Margarita hates Teodora and that is why she subjects her to horrible tortures and encourages the other members of the family (who follow her macabre game out of fear) to abuse her, beat her, torture her, etc... Well, the end we already know, things do not end well for our Teodora and is liquidated in a very cruel way by the whole family of perverse demons because humans, you can not tell them..

La trama es simple: Una mujer joven (Teodora), se queda a vivir en un pueblo de Chaco , Argentina y all铆, se va a vivir con el hijo de Margarita y su familia.

Ambos tienen una relaci贸n amorosa pero, Margarita odia a Teodora es por esto que la somete a torturas horribles y fomenta a los dem谩s miembros de la familia (Que por miedo le siguen el juego macabro) a que abusen de ella, la golpeen, la torturen , etc... Bueno, el final ya lo sabemos, las cosas no terminan bien para nuestra Teodora y es liquidada de una forma muy cruel por toda la familia de perversos demonios porque humanos, no se les puede decir.

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  • Rese帽a/Review:

Well, the chapter seems very crude to me. We see something that seems to be white slavery since Teodora is like a product acquired by Margarita's family which is only used for sadistic satisfaction. Margarita hates her but because she is in a relationship with her eldest son, I don't know why. What is certain is that she is in charge of everything to the point that everyone fears her and you can see the evil in her eyes devoid of any empathy.

Margarita is played by Cristina Banegas. She played an excellent role, she managed to make me hate Margarita totally. She is an acting monster and that is demonstrated in all the productions in which she appears. At least as a villain, it comes naturally to her so much that I even think she is like that in real life ha,ha,ha,ha.

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The psychology of the character is perfectly put together and interpreted. On the one hand we see the diabolical Margarita and on the other, we see one that looks like an innocent grandmother in the eyes of the world but, at the same time, and this is the incredible thing, despite being shown as an innocent old woman, people can sense that something is not right with her and it shows in the actress who plays the neighbor of this family of sadists who feels uncomfortable to be near her. Achieving that is difficult and Cristina, did it.

I like too much the details that the series takes into account. Life in many parts of the Chaco is rural, so the rustic housing they have and live among farm animals (Not everything is like that in the Chaco) and a deafening silence of the same place in the middle of the bush. This gave it a more macabre touch because they are in the middle of the forest and Teodora has nowhere to escape.

If I mention villains, I can't leave behind Teodora's husband, Margarita's husband and the youngest son of the family (who is the one who shows empathy for the poor girl). The first two are not far behind in terms of evil since they are the ones who carry out the orders of the lady of the house.

Margarita, exercises total control over the members of her family and they yield to her as if they were puppets. I really liked how this was handled especially in the younger brother who is the one who gives us the clue that they are there, out of fear, well, at least him, the truth, the other two are just as diabolical as Margarita. A family of psychopaths with two people imprisoned (Teodora and the youngest son of the family). Although this, in the end, did not prevent him from being condemned as an accomplice.

The girl's death is one of the cruelest I have ever seen. It was not quick, it was tortuous and painful. Slow and desperate. It was planned with all the evil that can exist in the world and, without going into too much detail of how it was, I think there was some symbolism in using poison as it represented the poisonous and toxic of that family of evil. How they consumed a girl in their cocktail of madness.

I felt sorry for both Teodora and the younger brother. I identified with both of them because, on the one hand, if I were her, I would feel despair until the last minute, which the actress did. I had a lump in my throat when I saw her desperate to escape and unable to do so. A submissive, frightened and desperate woman who believes any lie.
So at the slightest sign of affection, she is happy. On the other hand, I felt sorry for the character of the youngest son, anyone would act like him, he is a realistic character, drowned by fear, he wants to help but feels helpless to do so, of course, I do not justify it, I'm just saying that it is something very real and that many of us here, we would act like him under the presence of fear.

A desperate chapter until the last minute, which gives you the false feeling that everything will be fine but this does not happen. I totally recommend it. A window to what happens in those parts of the Chaco mountain, apparently calm but sometimes hiding macabre secrets.

Bueno, el capitulo me parece muy crudo. Vemos algo que parece ser la trata de blancas ya que Teodora es como un producto que adquiri贸 la familia de Margarita el cual, es solo usado para fines de satisfacci贸n s谩dica. Margarita la odia pero por estar en una relaciona con su hijo mayor el porque , no se. Lo que si es seguro que ella lleva el mando de todo al punto que todos le temen y se puede ver la maldad en sus ojos carentes de toda empat铆a.

Margarita es interpretado por Cristina Banegas. Hizo un papel excelente, logr贸 hacer que odie a Margarita totalmente. Es un monstruo de la actuaci贸n y eso queda demostrado en todas las producciones en las que aparece. Al menos de villana, le sale naturalmente tanto que hasta pienso que es as铆 en la vida real ja,ja,ja. La psicolog铆a del personaje esta perfectamente armada e interpretada. Por un lado vemos a la Margarita diab贸lica y por el otro, vemos una que parece una abuelita inocente a los ojos del mundo pero, a la vez, y esto es lo incre铆ble, a pesar de mostrarse como una anciana inocente la gente puede presentir que algo no esta bien con ella y se nota en la actriz que hace de vecina de esta familia de s谩dicos quien siente incomodidad al estar cerca de esta. Lograr eso es dificil y Cristina , lo logr贸.

Me gustan demasiado los detalles que tiene en cuenta la serie. La vida en muchas partes del Chaco es de campo, por eso la vivienda r煤stica que tienen y el vivir entre animales de granja (No todo es as铆 en el Chaco) y un silencio ensordecedor del mismo sitio en medio del monte. Esto le di贸 un toque mas macabro porque se ve est谩n en medio del monte y Teodora no tienen a donde escapar.

Si menciono villanos, no puedo dejar atr谩s al esposo de Teodora, el marido de Margarita y el hijo menor de la familia (Quien es el que muestra empat铆a por la pobre chica). Los primeros dos no se quedan atr谩s en cuanto a maldad ya que ellos son los que llevan a cabo las ordenes de la se帽ora de la casa.

Margarita, ejerce un control total sobre los miembros de su familia y estos, ceden ante ella como si de t铆teres se tratasen. Me gusto mucho como se manej贸 esto sobre todo en el hermano menor que el es quien nos da la pista de que est谩n ah铆 , por miedo, bueno, al menos el, la verdad, los otros dos son igual de diab贸licas que Margarita. Una familia de psic贸patas con dos personas prisioneras (Teodora y el hijo menor de la familia). Aunque esto al final, no le quit贸 que sea condenado como c贸mplice.

La muerte de la chica es de las mas crueles que vi. No fue r谩pida , fue tortuosa y dolorosa. Lenta y desesperante. Fue planeada con toda la maldad que puede existir en el mundo y, sin entrar en mucho detalle de como fue, creo que hubo cierta simbolog铆a al usar veneno ya que representaba lo venenoso y t贸xico de esa familia del mal. Como consumieron a una chica en su c贸ctel de locura.

Sent铆 pena tanto por Teodora y por el menor de los hermanos. Me identifiqu茅 con ambos ya que, por un lado, si fuera ella, sentir铆a desesperaci贸n hasta el ultimo minuto cosa que la actriz , hizo. Se me hacia un nudo en la garganta al verla desesperada por huir y no poder lograrlo. Una mujer sumisa, asustada y en desesperaci贸n que se cree cualquier mentira.
Por eso ante la mas m铆nima muestra de afecto , ella es feliz. Por otro lado, me di贸 pena el personaje del hijo menor, cualquiera actuaria como el, es un personaje realista, ahogado por el miedo , quiere ayudar pero se siente impotente al no poder hacerlo claro, no lo justifico, solo digo que es algo muy real y que muchos de los que estamos ac谩, actuar铆amos como el bajo la presencia del pavor.

Un capitulo desesperante hasta el ultimo minuto, que te da la falsa sensaci贸n de que todo saldr谩 bien pero esto, no pasa. Lo recomiendo totalmente. Una ventana a lo que pasa por aquellos lares del monte chaque帽o en apariencia, tranquilos pero que en ocasiones, esconde macabros secretos.
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  • Caso real/Real case:

Well, in this part again I went into research mode and I got a surprise.

The real events took place in 1945 in Pampa del Infierno, Chaco, Argentina and the one who led the family by the nose was Miguel (Margarita's husband) so I don't know why they put Margarita as the villain since everything we saw Margarita do in the chapter, in real life, her husband did it (I guess the story caught their attention and since she is a female murderer, they couldn't put a man).

The adaptation was faithful in all but that part and it also mentions horrible details such as, for example, that Miguel had already killed two more times in the past (Suspected of killing his brother and a peon with an axe).

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Mention is also made of the neighbor who testified about his mistreatment of young Teodora because he did not like the wife of his eldest son. Miguel had a terrible temper, a difficult character to bear, he managed to exert an incredible control with the rest of the family making them do his will whatever it was and that, of course, included torturing the young Teodora. No one opposed or did anything because of the fear he imposed, since in a fit of rage, he could kill them all. I think in this sense, Margarita's character lacked that impulsive, wild side, since she did not get her hands dirty, but I am not complaining.

A terrifying case, which perfectly shows how a family can be a real hell, and ironically enough, the place is called Pampa Del Infierno. That was for Teodora, a hell that became her grave.

Totally recommended. Best regards.

Bueno, en esta parte de nuevo me puse en modo investigadora y me llev茅 una sorpresa.

Los hechos reales, ocurrieron en 1945 en Pampa del Infierno, Chaco, Argentina y el que llevaba de las narices a la familia era Miguel (Esposo de Margarita) as铆 que no se porque pusieron a Margarita como villana ya que todo lo que vimos que hizo Margarita en el capitulo, en la vida real, lo hizo su esposo (Supongo les llamo la atenci贸n la historia y como es mujeres asesinas, no pod铆an poner a un hombre).

La adaptaci贸n fue fiel en todo excepto en esa parte y se mencionan tambien, detalles horribles como por ejemplo, que Miguel ya hab铆a asesinado en dos ocasiones mas en el pasado (Sospechoso de matar a su hermano y un pe贸n de un hachazo).

Tambi茅n se hace menci贸n a la vecina que testific贸 sobre los maltratos de este para con la joven Teodora debido a que no le simpatizaba mucho la esposa de su hijo mayor. Miguel tenia un genio terrible, un car谩cter dificil de sobrellevar ,lograba ejercer un control incre铆ble con el resto de la familia haciendo que estos hagan su voluntad sea lo que sea y eso, claro, inclu铆a torturar a la joven Teodora . Nadie se opon铆a ni hacia nada por el miedo que este impon铆a ya que en un arranque de furia, pod铆a matarlos a todos. Creo en este sentido, al personaje de Margarita le falto mas ese lado impulsivo, salvaje ya que ella no se ensuciaba las manos pero no me quejo.

Un caso terror铆fico, donde se plasma perfectamente como una familia, puede ser el verdadero infierno y valga iron铆a, el lugar se llama Pampa Del Infierno. Eso era para Teodora, un infierno que se convirti贸 en su tumba.

Totalmente recomendado. Saludos.

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鉁忥笍 Text by: @aibi93 | 鉁忥笍 Traducido con Deepl.com | Information of the real case Kiefeld Clan

馃摲 Images : Spoiler alert , Buterfly on book , Crime scene . The images in the description are screenshots taken by me of the chapter and edited in Canva. | Cover edited on Canva.com

鉁傦笍 Separators created by me in Photoshop and Canva.com. Hive divider by ikasumanera

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