(Esp/Eng) Killer Womans chapter 10 (Stella O., Emotional orphan) - Review

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Get ready! This time I will bring you a chapter where human evil is exhibited in its maximum splendor. An empty body and mind, orphan of feelings, is the main premise of today where the crime has no sense but pure evil because unlike many chapters of this series where the woman is usually the victim, in this case, the victim, was an innocent man that the only thing he did was to fall in love with the wrong woman, a woman emotional orphan.

Before I start with the review I will give a small spoiler warning as sometimes it becomes impossible for me to talk about these chapters without making any so if you did not see it, you can stop after I tell you the plot in general to give you a glimpse of what this chapter is about with the title: Stella O; Emotional Orphan.

隆Preparense! En esta ocasi贸n les traer茅 un capitulo donde es exhibida la maldad humana en su m谩ximo esplendor. Un cuerpo y una mente vac铆os, hu茅rfanos de sentimientos, es la principal premisa del d铆a de hoy en donde el crimen no tiene ning煤n sentido mas que la maldad pura porque a diferencia de muchos cap铆tulos de esta serie donde la mujer normalmente es la victima, en este caso, la victima, fue un hombre inocente que lo 煤nico que hizo fue enamorarse de la mujer equivocada, de una mujer hu茅rfana emocional.

Antes de comenzar con la rese帽a dar茅 una peque帽a advertencia de spoilers ya que a veces se me hace imposible hablar de estos cap铆tulos sin hacer alguno as铆 que si no lo viste, puedes detenerte luego de que te cuente la trama en general para darte un pantallazo de que trata este capitulo con el titulo: Stella O; Hu茅rfana emocional.


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  • Trama/Plot:

Stella is a married woman and this couple has a daughter, now of age, who has formed her own. The couple lives alone. Jose (the husband) is diabetic, therefore requires special care, care that Stella, the unfeeling, does not want to give him because she prefers to see her lover who only uses her to get money or material objects because he does not really love her, he does not even like women but Stella clings and disappears for days from home leaving her husband alone to see her gay lover.

Jos茅 starts to complain to her. Stella uses the excuse that she spent her childhood in an orphanage to say I need to get out, I'm depressed , but when she no longer tolerates Jose she begins to see him as an obstacle and well, she begins to tangle a plan to get rid of him without anyone noticing.


Stella es una mujer casada y este matrimonio tiene una hija, ya mayor de edad que form贸 la suya propia. La pareja vive sola. Jos茅 (El esposo) es diab茅tico, por ende requiere de cuidados especiales , cuidados que Stella, la sin sentimientos, no quiere darle ya que prefiere verse con su amante que, solo la usa para sacarle dinero u objetos materiales ya que este no la quiere realmente, a 茅l ni si quiera le gustan las mujeres pero Stella se aferra y desaparece d铆as de su casa dejando a su marido solo para verse con su amante gay.

Jos茅, empieza a reclamarle. Stella se agarra de la excusa de que pas贸 su ni帽ez en un orfanato para decir necesito salir, estoy deprimida , pero cuando ya no tolera a Jos茅 comienza a verlo como un obst谩culo y bueno, comienza a enmara帽ar un plan para deshacerse de el sin que nadie lo note.

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  • Rese帽a/Review:

The chapter is well put together. It makes you hate Stella's character and keeps you from sympathizing with her. Yes, she had a hard life but that is no justification for killing the only person who was with her and truly loved her. Stella is pure narcissist, with no empathy for her fellow man or even her daughter. She shows feelings for her lover but it is nothing more than simple passion or morbidity simply to be with someone who doesn't like women. It is ironic how she unloads her frustration of life with the people who love her, she is devoted to the point of stealing things from her husband to give them to her lover. But that's not the worst of it, she abandons her life partner when he has health problems and goes to have sex with the other one. I find her character detestable, which gives me the indication that the actress (Ana Mar铆a Picchio) did an excellent job. Selfish, without empathy, hateful to the max, she victimizes herself to make others feel bad, in short, a person you never want to cross.

On the other hand, we have the husband Jos茅. This character gives me so much tenderness that made me hate Stella even more ha,ha,ha,ha. He is like one of those grandpas who are tender and don't deserve anything bad to happen to them. His flaw was not only loving Stella but being blind to the hilt with her, so much so, that he covered up Stella's disasters to his daughter so she wouldn't hate her but the daughter, she is no fool and knows her mother well. I really liked their relationship with their daughter. Love and devotion to her father and constant fights with her mother (no one loves her, only poor Jose). I think that point was key for the hatred of this character not to diminish.

A phenomenal job by the actors who take the plot to a point of unbearable tension where no one could control Stella and her actions, not even her lover played by Mario Pasik.

The chapter is well set. Two realities are seen: Stella's family, well settled, well off financially but this is not enough to go with another who lives practically in misery. Pasik's character used this to his advantage and manipulated her as much as he could until, well, he ended up going crazy and did what he did.

The ending, emotional, heartbreaking. Frustration invades the scene to generate an atmosphere of sadness and hatred on the part of the couple's daughter. I can't say more than that for how they bring every emotion to the viewer. Yes, I hated Stella. I will not tire of saying it.

El capitulo esta bien armado. Logra que odies al personaje de Stella y evita que simpatices con ella. Si, tuvo una vida dura pero eso n oes justificativo para matar a la 煤nica persona que estuvo con ella y la amo de verdad. Stella es narcisista pura, sin empat铆a alguna por el pr贸jimo ni si quiera por su hija. Muestra sentimientos por su amante pero no es otra cosa que simple pasi贸n o morbo simplemente de estar con alguien que no le gustan las mujeres. Es ir贸nico como descarga su frustraci贸n de la vida con las personas que la aman perro con quien la usa, es devota al punto de robarle cosas a su esposo para d谩rselas a su amante. Pero eso no es lo peor, sino abandonar a su compa帽ero de vida cuando este tienen ataques por su salud e irse a tener relaciones con el otro. Me parece un personaje detestable lo que me da la pauta de que la actriz (Ana Mar铆a Picchio) hizo un excelente trabajo. Ego铆sta, sin empat铆a, odiosa a mas no poder, se victimiza para hacer sentir mal a los dem谩s en fin, una persona que no te quieres cruzar nunca.

Por otro lado , tenemos al esposo Jos茅. Este personaje me da tanta ternura que hizo crecer mi odio a Stella aun mas ja,ja,ja. Es como Un abuelito de esos que son tiernos que no se merecen que les pase nada malo. Su defecto no solo era amar a Stella sino estar ciego al tope con ella, tanto as铆, que cubr铆a los desastres de Stella ante su hija para que no la odiara pero la hija, no es ninguna tonta y conoce bien a su madre. Me gusto mucho las relaciones de ambos con su hija. Amor y devoci贸n a su padre y peleas constantes con su madre (nadie la quiere , solo el pobre de Jos茅). Creo ese punto fue clave para que el odio a este personaje no merme.

Un trabajo fenomenal por parte de los actores que van llevando la trama a un punto de tensi贸n insostenible donde nadie pod铆a ya controlar a Stella y sus actos, ni siquiera su amante interpretado por Mario Pasik.

El capitulo bien ambientado. Se ven dos realidades: La familia de Stella, bien asentada, bien econ贸micamente pero esto no basta para irse con otro que vive pr谩cticamente en la miseria. El personaje de Pasik aprovecho esto a su favor y la manipulo lo mas que pudo hasta que bueno, termin贸 de enloquecer e hizo lo que hizo.

El final, emotivo, desgarrador. La frustraci贸n invaden la escena para generar un ambiente de tristeza y odio por parte de la hija del matrimonio 隆Que buenos actores! , no puedo decir mas que eso por como hacen llegar al espectador cada emoci贸n. Si, odie a Stella. No me cansare de decirlo.

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  • Caso real/Real case:

The real case occurred in the city of La Plata, capital of Buenos Aires, in the early 70's and some things were omitted, for example, that the couple actually had two children but the other one, being a minor at the time of the events, was omitted. Also, in the text of the real case, we are shown part of Stella's past. A drunken father, absolute misery and living through the premature death of her parents were key points for everything that Stella would become later on, although her marriage to Jos茅 (a hard-working man, not rich but with a good economic background) was very good until 1972. Then something in Stella's mind woke up (or broke) to behave as in the chapter. We are also shown how she met her lover, something that was not seen on screen. It also describes a little more the personality of this one that oh! coincidentally, was very similar to that of his alcoholic father. I have already told you that childhood marks adulthood a lot, especially if we do not receive psychological help. If this help does not exist we are destined to repeat

patterns of behavior and people to return symbolically to that past that caused us a trauma. Anyway, in general terms, the chapter was quite faithful and Stella was just as perverse as she was shown to us. You know, being faithful to the real case adds extra points so I totally recommend this chapter.

El caso real ocurri贸 en la ciudad de La Plata, capital de Buenos Aires , a principios de los a帽os 70 y, algunas cosas fueron omitidas como por ejemplo, que el matrimonio, tenia en realidad dos hijos pero el otro, al ser menor de edad en el momento de los hechos, se omiti贸. Tambi茅n, en el texto del caso real, se nos muestra parte del pasado de Stella. Un padre borracho, miseria absoluta y el vivir la muerte prematura de sus padres fueron puntos claves para todo lo que seria Stella mas adelante aunque el matrimonio con Jos茅 (Un hombre trabajador, no rico pero con buen pasar econ贸mico y bueno) fue muy bueno hasta 1972. Ya luego algo en la mente de Stella se despert贸 (o se quebr贸) para comportarse como en el capitulo. Tambi茅n se nos muestra como se conoci贸 con su amante cosa que en pantalla no se vi贸. Tambi茅n se describe un poco mas la personalidad de este que 隆oh! casualidad, era muy similar a la de su padre alcoh贸lico,. Ya les digo que la infancia marca mucho la adultez mas si no se recibe ayuda psicol贸gica. Si esta ayuda no existe estamos destinados a repetir patrones de conducta y personas para volver simb贸licamente a ese pasado que nos causo un trauma. En fin, en l铆neas generales, el capitulo fue bastante fiel y Stella era igual de perversa que como se nos mostr贸. Ya saben, que sea fiel al caso real le suma puntos extra as铆 que recomiendo totalmente este capitulo.

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Before I say goodbye, I wanted to dedicate this post to the actress who appears in this chapter playing Jos茅's (Ulises Dumont, also deceased in 2008) family doctor, who died in March of this year after falling into a severe depression. Another point to keep in mind that mental illnesses exist and can be deadly for oneself and also, sometimes, for third parties. Take care of your mental health. Greetings and thanks for reading me.

Antes de despedirme quer铆a dedicar este post , a la actriz que sale en este capitulo interpretando a la doctora de cabecera de Jos茅 (Ulises Dumont, tambien ya fallecido en el 2008) , que falleci贸 en Marzo del corriente a帽o por caer en una fuerte depresi贸n. Otro punto para tener en cuenta de que las enfermedades mentales existen y pueden ser mortales para uno mismo y tambien, a veces, para terceros. Cuiden su salud mental. Saludos y gracias por leerme.


馃尮R.I.P Mar铆a Onetto馃尮




鉁忥笍 Tex by: @aibi93 | 鉁忥笍 Traducido con Deepl.com | 鉁忥笍 Information of the real case here.

馃摲 Images and gifs edited on Canva. com: Spoiler alert , Buterfly on book , Crime scene . The images in the description are screenshots taken by me of the chapter and edited in Canva.

鉁傦笍 Separators created by me on Canva and Photoshop and the last separator from ikasumanera.

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