"Kate & Leopold" by James Mangold: Love from Fast and Future


When it comes to romance movies few have made an impression on me. I can go with a list of them but it is nice to mention one that is one of my favorites and it is "Kate & Leopold". Aside from the movie itself, the actor and actress in this movie is also my favorites which are Hugh Jackman and Meg Ryan.

The narrative of the movie is all about the exciting and unusual love story of a Duke who traveled from the past to today's New York and accidentally ran into a woman named Kate. Their life was set to clash because of the differences in their culture, time, personality, belief, and environment.

The movie's first scene is fun and entertaining since one of the characters in the movie, Liev Schreiber as Stuart Besser, can't help but laugh at the word "erection" being used by the engineer who built the Brooklyn Bridge played by Andrew Jack as John A. Roebling.

It is a brilliant idea for the movie that Liev Schreiber as Stuart Besser uses a very small camera to take pictures while he is time traveling from the future to 1876 where Hugh Jackman as His Grace Leopold Alexis Elijah Walker Thomas Gareth Mountbatten, 3rd Duke of Albany attended the inauguration of the Brooklyn Bridge.

I like the scene of Kate brushing her teeth while Hugh Jackman as His Grace Leopold Alexis Elijah Walker Thomas Gareth Mountbatten, 3rd Duke of Albany , and Liev Schreiber as Stuart Besser are having an argument and Kate is hearing them from below (Kate and Stuart's home are located at the same building).

Kste seemingly surprised at the noisy conversation of Stuart and Leopold on top of her apartment

I like the amazement of Leopold through his actions when he first goes out of his apartment of Stuart. It is understandable because Leopold was from 1876 and he was transported to 2001 when he chased Stuart and eventually ended up entering a portal on their way to the year 2001, the year where Stuart came from and the year where Leopold is going to meet her fiancee, Kate.

Leopold was so amazed of the structures that he saw for the first time

I also want to add that Hugh Jackman is definitely very handsome on this one.

One of the funniest scenes in the movie is when the dog that Leopold was asked to take care pooped in public and the police went up to him and then told him to pick up the pooped and then put it in a trash bin but Leopold respectfully declines and don't believe that there is a law prohibiting dog owner to take care of their dog poops in public. It was funny because Leopold couldn't believe that there was a law and the police also couldn't believe that Leopold did not know about the law. The cop has the last laugh though because Leopold was handed and ticket for refusing to take care of the dog poop.

A police asking Leopold to pick up the poop of the dog

Another funny scene that I like in the movie is when Stuart calls Leopold while he is being carried to the hospital. Back at the apartment Leopold was talking to the answering machine as if he was talking to Stuart but it wouldn't work so Stuart instructed him to pick up the green hand so that they could talk with each other.

Leopold trying to talk to Stuart on the telephone

Then there's the moment that I have waiting for Kate will notice Leopold. I like the idea of a thief riding a horse to take the attention of Kate. I think it is cool that they used the idea of the thief and a horse because it is hard to see a modern romance movie that involves horse riding. It is impressive because it is not that easy to ride a horse I hadn't ridden one before.

Kate was so amazed at Leopold about his horse riding skill

And then the moment I have waiting for has come. Instead of using a time machine to travel through time, the movie uses the concept of a Time Portal that automatically opens on a regular basis without the need of any instrument the problem is that you have to find and enter it and it will bring you to a specific date in time. The Time Portal can also be used to return to your own time as described in the movie. The only catch on this Time Portal is they are suspended in the air so you need to be on top of it and jump through it.

Probably the sweetest scene of the movie is when Leopold asks Kate if she can dance with him, and they do. Looking at both of them while dancing makes it hard to feel so happy about the scene which is understandable because this kind of moment is the most memorable and one of the happiest that you can experience for the rest of your life. Imagin, dancing with your love when are only days being in love together.

Kate and Leopold dancing for the firs time

I also like that they included a scene where Leopold still remembers a concealed drawer that contained the ring of Leopold's mother. I think they included this scene so that Kate will finally believe that Leopold was indeed from 1876

I also like the scene where Stuart saw Kate in one of the photos that he took which signifies and tells him that Kate should return to the 1876 right when the moment when Leopold is going to announce which woman he is going to marry.

All in all the movie is great. The script is very creative, instead of using a time machine the movie uses the concept of a natural time portal that you can enter in able for you to travel through time and back again. I also like the costume and the British Accent of Leopold.

I recommend this movie if you are looking for something different. I recommend this movie because it is very light and it is not going to stress you out for a long time, needless to say, it is a light movie with a unique story and story that is so cohesive.

Note: All images in this blog are from the movie itself

That is all for now guys, catch you up with the next one. Wishing you all safety, good health, and abundance.

Thank you very much to all of the Hive Ecosystem Curation Teams/Individuals, I am very grateful for the upvotes/curation/support. God bless you all!

I am a Computer Engineer, blogger, farmer, gardener, father, and husband. I love countryside living, nature, and farming (rice/vegetables), and I have two decades of experience as an I.T. professional

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