Reflection:The Gifts So Underrated

Life, as you live it, is beautiful. Life is fun, it is wonderful. But what is the average life worth, when living becomes sadness. Sometimes, having to just be alive, is not going to be enough.
We take a lot for granted, as humans that we are. It might take for us to be in other people's shoes to realise what we actually have is so precious.

Recently a friend asked me to accompany her to the hospital. Her brother has been sick and is admitted at the hospital. I am not really the hospital type(are there even people like that? ). Can't remember the last time i have been to a hospital for any reason, probably twenty years ago. I hardly fall sick, not to talk of being sick to the point of being admitted.

Like I said, my friend invited me, didn't like the idea, but I could not say no. After such a long time of not being to a hospital, this visit made me realise how we take a lot for granted. Especially life and how we treat that life we have.

I saw a lot that brought me to a point of being broken. If you normally go to the hospital, this might be normal to you. To me it was heartbreaking. I saw sights I never want to see again. But then it could have been me in one of those sick beds.

I saw a man whose whole face was almost at the point of being eaten up by some strange disease. I couldn't bear to look at him a second time. I saw people writhing in pains, begging for parts of their body to be amputated,so they could have a chance to live.

I saw a lot of bloody and gory sight that I can't put down here. To say the least, they were something unpleasant.

That visit made me see life from a different pedestal. They say we rarely value the things we have until we loose them. From that day I chose to make every effort to value and take care of what I have.

By now you should know what am talking about, Life and health. I want to have life but more importantly, I want to live that life in perfect health. I saw a lot to be grateful and also careful at the same time.

I saw the value in waking up hale and hearty. I don't wish for the things I saw that day to happen to anybody, even my enemies, talk less of happening to me.

More than before, I have come to appreciate the gift called Life and its companion called health. I have vowed to do everything possible to maintain it, especially by living right and keeping to health rules.

It's great to wake up to another day, but I think, more importantly, to do so in perfect health.

Everyday is another opportunity to appreciate life and keep it in good shape. Sometimes we need to visit hospitals to understand the privileges we enjoy. We need to be thankful for life and do everything to maintain that life. So How grateful are you for life?

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