How to Cope with a Narcissistic Mother: Strategies for Understanding and Resilience

If you have a narcissistic mother, you know how difficult it can be to deal with her constant need for attention and admiration. You may feel like you can never do anything right in her eyes and that she is always criticizing you. It can be hard to maintain a healthy relationship with a narcissistic mother, but it is possible. In this blog post, we will explore some strategies for understanding and coping with a narcissistic mother, as well as ways to build resilience in dealing with her.


Understanding Narcissistic Mothers
There are a number of traits that are associated with narcissism, and it is important to understand these traits in order to better deal with a narcissistic mother. Some of the most common traits of narcissism include:

• A sense of entitlement – Narcissistic mothers often feel that they are entitled to special treatment and expect others to cater to their needs.

• needing constant admiration and attention – A narcissistic mother will often demand excessive amounts of praise and attention from her children.

• being hypersensitive to criticism – A narcissistic mother can’t handle even the slightest bit of criticism and will often lash out in response.

• having an inflated sense of self-importance – A narcissistic mother will often think highly of herself and see herself as superior to others.

• being preoccupied with power and success – A narcissistic mother may be obsessed with achieving power and success, and she may try to control her children’s lives in order to help them achieve this same level of success.

• lacking empathy – A key trait of narcissism is a lack of empathy, and a narcissistic mother may be indifferent to her children’s feelings or needs.


What Causes Narcissistic Behavior in Mothers?
There is no one single cause for narcissistic behavior, but there are some theories about what might contribute to it. For example, some experts believe that childhood trauma or abuse can lead to narcissism, as can being raised by a parent who was themselves narcissistic. Additionally, some research has suggested that there may be a genetic component to narcissism, meaning it could be partially passed down from parents to their children. Whatever the cause, it’s important to remember that it’s not your fault if your mother is a narcissist, and you can’t change her behavior. But there are things you can do to cope with the situation (which we will discuss in more detail below).

Coping Strategies for Dealing with a Narcissistic Mother
If you have a narcissistic mother, it is important to create healthy boundaries in order to protect yourself from her toxic behavior. Setting boundaries does not mean that you are being disrespectful or ungrateful, it simply means that you are taking care of yourself and setting limits on what you will tolerate from her.

Some possible boundary-setting strategies include:

• Refusing to engage in arguments or put up with verbal abuse.

• Letting your mother know calmly and assertively when she has crossed a line.

• Avoiding situations where you know she will be critical or abusive.

• Not making excuses for her behavior or trying to please her at all costs.

Practicing Self-Care
Another important strategy for coping with a narcissistic mother is to practice self-care. This means taking care of yourself emotionally, mentally, and physically. When you nurture yourself, it helps to offset the negative effects of your mother’s narcissism and allows you to better deal with her toxic behavior.

Self-care ideas include:

• Doing things that make you happy and help reduce stress, such as spending time outdoors, reading, listening to music, or being around animals.

• Eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise to boost your mood and energy levels.

• Making time for hobbies and activities that bring joy into your life.

• Connecting with supportive friends or family members who offer love and understanding without judgment.


Seeking Professional Help
If you find that you are struggling to cope with your narcissistic mother on your own, seeking professional help can be an invaluable step in managing the situation effectively . A therapist can provide support and guidance as you work through the challenges posed by having a narcissistic parent . In addition , therapy can provide a safe space to process the emotions associated with having a narcissistic mother . Some specific issues that might be addressed in therapy include :

• Low self-esteem or feelings of worthlessness stemming from years of emotional abuse

• Anger management issues related to pent-up rage towards the narcissistic parent

• Difficulty maintaining healthy relationships due to trust issues or fear of abandonment

• Grief or sadness over the loss of the idealized image of the mother

• Anxiety or depression related to the stress of living with a narcissistic parent

Building Resilience When Dealing with a Narcissistic Mother.
One of the most important things you can do when dealing with a narcissistic mother is to learn to identify your triggers. Triggers are anything—a person, place, thing, or situation—that sets off a negative reaction in you. Once you know what your triggers are, you can develop strategies for coping with them.

Some common triggers for people with narcissistic mothers include:

• Hearing your mother criticize you

• Being around your mother when she is drinking or using drugs

• Having to spend time with your family during holidays or other special occasions

• Seeing pictures of happy families on social media

• Talking about your childhood with anyone

If any of these things trigger a negative reaction in you, it’s important to have some coping strategies in place. Some healthy coping strategies include:

• Putting yourself in time-out: If you start to feel yourself getting triggered, remove yourself from the situation if possible. Go for a walk, take a bath, or call a friend. Do whatever you need to do to calm yourself down.

• Practice deep breathing: Taking slow, deep breaths can help to lower your heart rate and calm your nervous system.

Finding Supportive People.
It’s also important to find people who understand what you’re going through and can offer support. These people can be friends, family members, therapist, or even an online support group for adult children of narcissistic parents. These supportive relationships can provide a much-needed sense of validation and understanding.


Practicing Self-Compassion and Kindness
Finally, it’s essential that you practice self-compassion and kindness. This means being gentle with yourself when you make mistakes, accepting yourself as you are, and recognizing that you are not responsible for your mother’s behavior. It also means giving yourself permission to feel angry, sad, scared, and any other emotions that come up for you without judging or shaming yourself. It's important to understand the traits of narcissistic mothers and the causes of their narcissistic behavior. By doing so, you can develop healthy boundaries and practice self-care. If you find yourself struggling to cope with a narcissistic mother, seek professional help. Finally, remember that you can build resilience by identifying triggers, finding supportive people, and practicing self-compassion and kindness.

Thômas Blum

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