RE: Thought for the New Year: You Choose Your Path

If only it were that simple huh?

As we progress along our LifePath many of us keep avoiding those dark paths that we have walked by over the years. And thankfully we have a wonderful materialistic world full of bright shiny interesting things that keep us happily distracted from ever having to look over our shoulder at those dark ugly paths back there. Why would I ever waste time on those dark negative emotions when I can keep topping up my bright new shiny emotions... if I just buy that new exciting thing, watch that new 60 second tiktok, shop... shop... shop delivered straight to my door... express... heightened excitement... something new is coming, woohoo!

Choosing to identify our negative emotions requires a strategy, one that we can feel at least vaguely secure in surviving and even possibly having fun. This strategy is not about breaking outside our limits but stretching those limits comfortably.

As you go forward into the new year, take a look at one thing that you feel rather ashamed of about yourself, something you did, a way you reacted. Now imagine if you acted or reacted the best way you could possibly think of in the situation, acted in a way that left you glowing happily inside. You can do it for this one thing right, right now, feel that glow of having done something amazing, something that is so right that no one can question your actions. You just sit here and think, I Rocked IT!

This is one way to use a simple negative (there are no negatives) event and use it as a game to figure out how you could have solved that level with 100% bonus. Keep it up, you're awesome.!

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