Monday Motivation: Feeling Overwhelmed? Then Do These 3 Things

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Overwhelmed? You're not alone.

We all feel overwhelmed sometimes, and it's important to understand that feeling overwhelmed doesn't mean you're a failure or a bad person. It just means that the demands on your time are too much for you to handle right now. That's okay!

For me personally, I feel overwhelmed when I am presented with too many tasks to complete in a short amount of time. When I feel overwhelmed, it affects my life and work in a negative way. It makes me feel stressed out and anxious because I don't know how to get everything done on time. The feeling of being overwhelmed makes me feel like I have no control over my schedule or life.

These are the three things that you can do when you feel overwhelmed:-

The first thing is to break your big goals into small actionable tasks that you can do. Why this helps avoid getting stuck and helps you move forward is because it reduces the scope of what needs to be done and makes it easier for us to get started with our tasks. It also helps us prioritize the most important things first. Once you are clear on what actions that you need to take, it will be easier to achieve your goals. To make this method even more effective set a deadline for each action that needs to be done.

Secondly, you may be feeling overwhelmed because there are many things on your mind that you want to do. You can apply what is known as the brain dump method where you write down everything on paper all the things on your mind that you want to do. You can evaluate each thing that you want to do by asking yourself the following questions. Is this something that I really need to do or something that I would be concerned about? If the answer is no, strike out that item. Is this something I could delegate or hire someone else to do?” Items that need not be done personally by you should be taken out. Once you are left with a list of items that you have to do yourself, ask the last question. “Is this something that I need to do right now? Schedule a deadline for those items that need not be done right now. By following this method, you are able to trim down the long list to only essential items that need to be done by you right now.

Third, re-evaluate the circumstances and determine what is within your control and what is not within your control. For each item that is within your control—take action! For things that are outside of your control—accept them!

So the next time that you are feeling overwhelmed, try one of the tips above and do give me your feedback on whether it works or not.


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