Everyone dreams about ending each year on a positive note, don't they?

Just like myself, everyone of y'all have already spent 11 months in 2022. The last month of the year is here and a countdown to 2023 is ON.

The big question is;

Are you proud of this year so far? Do you have anything to show for this year so far? Any achievement?

You know, there are people that did the work and made so much effort to hit goals this year, but didn't get a desired result. There are also some sets of people that spent the vast majority of this year lazing around. You can be one, but certainly not the other so have that in mind while defining your achievement for the year.


The fact is, whatever we achieve by the end of each year is always a result of the sequence of activities we got involved with during the year. If you spent so much time doing the necessary things that will help you hit your goals, even if you end up not achieving exactly what you planned, you will surely learn important lessons by the end of each year.

Looking back at the last 11 months, the ultimate definition of a crisis would be that you didn't make any effort to use your time wisely and you didn't set or achieve any reasonable goal. Now that we are in the last month of the year, people like that will be left in a situation where they will be desperately hoping for a miracle to happen.

How long can you continue living like that?

It is too ludicrous and also a horror show. Time waits for nobody and anyone that truly wants to be taking steps forward towards achieving their goals surely has to be ready to make effort. Do your best at every given opportunity and hope for the best.

Everyone dreams about ending each year on a positive note, don't they?

What about you? Are you satisfied with your achievement so far?

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