How We Handle Our Things Reflect On Who We Really Are

August 6, 2022

"Have you ever wondered how things feel?"

While looking at the table full of stuff, I suddenly think of how it feels. If only it can talk, it might complain and request some clean-up.

Image from Unsplash by Ferenc Horvath

What if things have feelings like humans? Have we ever considered it?

I thought of that matter multiple times, as, like things, I somehow feel abandoned and ignored, unorganized, and cluttered.

Sometimes I think of my phone, it would probably say, "allow me to recharge, please." Because even when it is charging, I am still using it.

Image from Unsplash by ROBIN WORRALL

And I am certain that it's not only my phone but yours as well.

In the morning as we wake up, what do we look for? Of course, look for our phones as we need to buzz the annoying alarm off. We're using our phones while eating, blogging, playing music, watching movies, series, or anime, walking in the street, and even when sitting on the ceramic white commode in the lavatory while releasing toxic waste from our cavity. Bugging the phone won't end even before sleeping at night. And it will only rest when we fully drift off to sleep.

If the phone can only talk, it would probably exclaim, "finally, I can rest now!"

What about our shoes, how often do we clean them? Every day? Every week? Every month? Or never? And just let them be
washed under the rain.

Image from Unsplash by Jakob Owens

Our pair of shoes is a vital thing in our life, because, without them, we couldn't walk comfortably outside our house.

But have we ever thought of its feeling while carrying our heavy body? Shoes would go through storms, travel under the scorching sun, would endure the pain from bumping into stony paths and hard platforms to make sure that our feet wouldn't be hurt, and get scratches until we reach our ideal destination. But what do we do once we reach our home? We just often throw them on the shoe rack or place them inside a shoe box without cleaning them. Or probably clean them when we would be using them to attend a special occasion or meet friends, lol.

If only shoes can talk, they would probably say, "can you clean me, please."

And what about our rooms? How often do we tidy them? Once a month? Thrice a year? Or during the annual general clean-up, lol. Don't lie. It's true, right?

Image from Unsplash by Wonderlane

Our room serves as our comfort zone and safe haven when we want solitude and peace of mind. It gives us freedom and we can do everything without minding what people outside of it will think about us. We are comfortable in our own skin when we are inside our room. And it gives us a sense of happiness in a way that we are who we are, and no one would judge us. It allows us to breathe and takes a break from this toxic world. It gives us comfort.

But what do we do? We just stock things into it without organizing them. We just throw things here and there. It seems to be organized on the first days of the month, but as days pass by, it would turn into like a jungle.

If our bedroom can only talk, it would probably say, "tidy me, please."

But have you ever thought of a deeper sense of this matter or looked at them with different perceptions?

We often take things for granted and forget about their importance or give value to them. May it be living or nonliving things, they are all vital in this world because we all are created with certain purposes. Besides, we spent some penny to acquire things we have, and taking them for granted is like wasting money as well.

We are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, aren't we? Little did we know that how we handle our things reflects on our personality. It's the same meaning as, "what we think, is what we become," "what we eat, is what we are," and "tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are."

Image from Unsplash by Jonathan Borba

Our actions, our choices, our decisions, our appearances, how we deal with things and people, how we talk, how we walk, how we eat, how we write, how we dress, and how our place looks, describe what kind of personality we have.

How would you describe a person living in a cluttered place like a jungle, disorganized and messy? Would you call him/her responsible and tidy?

Some people are just good at fixing their outside appearances, but behind those pretty faces, bodies, and clothes are messy personalities that once you saw their abode, would make you change your perception of him/her.

How we organize our things shows how responsible we are as a person. And oftentimes, a "cluttered space would mean a cluttered mind". I can't deny the fact that my place is often untidy due to a lack of time for organizing my stuff since my work continues even until night and my holidays are usually spent recuperating. But sometimes, the reason is due to a jumbled mind. It seems to be preoccupied with a lot of thoughts that are being cluttered and I tend to ignore things around me. I tend to disorganize my stuff which makes my place untidy. And exhaustion would just add up that would sometimes make me lazy to move my body.

This is understandable though. But some just literally grew up lazy, irresponsible, and untidy.

Albeit, it's not actually just time that needs to make our things organized and clean the whole time, it's self-discipline. And if we are responsible persons and value even the very small thing, we know how to handle them to maintain our place organize and tidy. We would value the importance of every single thing we have.

It's not only human that lives in this world that matters, but everything we see around us. They, as well, are still vital to our living and should be taken care of even if they are nonliving creatures that don't have feelings.

Image from Pexels by loucas souza

Take care of them as you take care of yourself, because everything around you reflects who you really are.


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