RE: Managing Responses to Stimuli: Strategies for Self-Improvement and Personal Development

I'm not into medical terms but did some research. While the basal ganglia are not directly responsible for stimuli, they are involved in the process of responding to stimuli and learning from those responses. Understanding how the basal ganglia work can help us to understand how habits are formed and how we can change them if we wish to do so. All that said, for my purposes, it is not necessary to be a fan of science to understand the role of the basal ganglia in the formation of habits.

My personal interests focus on how we can manipulate our responses to various stimuli to bring about desired results. I think this is the bases for most if not all of the self-help information available today.

Hope to be writing more on this soon!

Thank you so much for your response. After looking at your blogs/posts, and you are not boring, I decided to follow you. Looking forward to more interaction.

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