Think like a Viking: Part Forty four


One man's tale is but half a tale

Each Thursday I select a Viking quote, sometimes randomly but ofttimes based upon relevance or meaning to my life at that point in time. Despite these phrases being over a thousand years old I believe most can still offer value in modern society and I find it interesting to ponder, weigh and measure them. original im src

This week's Viking quote

One man's tale is but half a tale. - Grettis saga

There's often more than one side to every story; think of two combatants, which shouldn't be difficult considering world events at the minute. One side says one thing, the other something different and somewhere in between is the truth, or at least, the facts as the truth is often a mystery.

It's very easy to draw false conclusions based only on one set of information and with the rogue-media out of control reporting ideologies, opinions, agendas and general propaganda rather than simple facts, it's increasingly difficult to have any confidence in the information. This is when people become led in a direction that may not be the best, or form opinions [then actions] based on questionable intelligence [information].

But let's scale back to a person to person scenario.

As a leader of people over many years I've often been faced with situations in which I've had to make a judgement, determination or simply mediate, between two or more parties. It's sometimes a reasonably easy process and the path forward is clear however it's not always so; Complications, arguments and disagreements between human beings are often messy with many moving parts.. This is what the Viking quote I've chosen this week refers to I believe.

I've been at the wrong end of a determination based solely on the information or story of the other party many times and I'm sure most people could say the same. It's never a pleasant moment, especially if the result is weighted the other way due to false information, and I've often handled it badly - well also at times - but yep, badly. Although, as I moved through life and gained more experience, all those instances, the wins and losses, brought wisdom and understanding which I carried forward and used to good advantage - I still do.

In short, I found the ability for balanced and measured thought, to listen patiently rather than making rash decisions, gather facts and information, and to consider all aspects of a situation before making a determination, or taking action one way or the other. I don't just mean in respect of two arguing people, but also in respect of seeing things from someone else's perspective which is an important element. It sounds great right? Balanced and measured thoughts and responses...I think it's a powerful skill to possess, although am honest enough to say it hasn't always been the case. I'm human after all.

Finding the ability for measured thought and having an impartial and open mind, the patience to gather all of the facts and information, helps to mitigate the potential for overreaction, false perception and judgement and that means better decisions and probably better relationships - not just at work either, but within social, intimate and family relationships also. Inviting all the facts and information in any given situation is always going to work best.

Prejudging a person, situation or scenario seems to be more and more prevalent in society now. Think about information that comes from the battlefield...Unless one is there one doesn't really fact, even in being there it's possible that a person will never see or know the whole picture. Now imagine trying to make decisions and judgements from information that may be third, forth or even fifth hand and filtered through the rogue-media-propaganda machines. It's impossible.

We do it all the time...Think of the Will Smith/Chris Rock scenario...There's a lot more behind the scenes than we see in the snippets of footage and media stories...and that media aren't Chris Rock or Will don't truly know what factors may have been behind the situation...They surmise, mislead and fabricate...all to sell newspapers, magazines, advertising space and...whatever agenda they have. The truth these days is a very indistinct and fluid thing these days.

I believe it's up to all of us, individually, to apply this Viking concept, to understand that the small amount of information may not make up the sum and total. Most allow the media, and random people's thoughts and opinions through social media, to imprint their own thoughts and subsequent actions rather than doing the research and fact-finding personally. Ideologies can be dangerous, especially so if those promoting them don't understand the facts and agendas behind them. There's a lot to be said for seeking one's own truth and a complete complete set of facts.

That's it for this week, a thousand year-old Viking quote that cautions people to seek all the information before prejudging others or a situation. The truth, or actual facts of the matter, may not be clearly apparent and there's always multiple angles.

In the comments below, please feel free to disagree with my interpretation and add your own if you like, tell a story around this quote or general topic or simply react to it and let me know what you think, how you see it, how it relates to you or someone you know.


Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

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