Stitching it together

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My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue, an everlasting vision of the ever changing view.

- Carole King -

I often use a tapestry analogy to describe how I move through and relate to life; it's simplistic and says, the moments of my life are simply a collection of threads I gather and combine into what will eventually form a tapestry of the life entirety of the life I've lived.

Exactly what threads I weave into it are sometimes within my ability to control and sometimes not, but that's just life right?

They're of various hues, vibrant colours, pastels and, of course, some moments are less colourful; dark times, the shadows and shades, visit every life - we're common in that way. I work towards designing my tapestry as I wish it to look though, take the moments that come by chance and design, the vibrant and darker shades, and call them my life.

I learn from them also, those moments, with the hope I can make my present a little more colourful and my future more so again.

Something I've used to help me along the way is the experiences and wisdom of others and mostly that's been gained by reading about their deeds, experiences and lives. The words of those who have lived more life than I have, in different times and who have had different experiences always seem to hold value; they prompt me to think and act in certain ways, or not to, based on the situations I find myself in. Sometimes those words just make me feel good, lead me to understand I'm on-track or in control and that's good enough too.

Some time ago I started using a quote at the beginning of most of my posts; I began doing it as I knew it would expose me to quotes I'd not seen before as I scroll through looking for the right one. I also take a lot of the quotes from books I have on the shelf and that means taking them, flicking pages and locating the words I wish to share on my posts. Naturally, that means I read other words too and it's been a really great way to remind myself of some of the wise words I've read over the years.

I don't think life has to be as complicated as it is although, thinking on it, modern society is that way inclined. I like to simplify things though and that means grasping the small, medium-sized and large moments of life with both hands and wringing the most out of them - I'll be dead all to soon so ensuring I get the most from life seems like a wise decision. It's in that way I manage to stitch together what I look at and call a beautiful life.

Do things go wrong? Do I have stresses and worries? Do I fail to present as my best-self? The answer is a resounding yes to all. But, the opposite happens too...The pendulum will always swing both ways...until it stops altogether.

I wonder about you folks...what does your tapestry might look like, in your own opinion, and are you happy with it? Do you also find value in the words of others who have come before, their experiences and thoughts and apply them to your own lives as I do?

Feel free to let me know in a comment below if there's a quote that means a great deal to you, that you find motivating and inspirational. Who knows, it might also be one of my own favourites or one I haven't heard and may come to mean something to me also. Please make sure you also give credit to the original author though. And lastly...when you're done commenting, go do something you value and stitch another thread into your tapestry - Life is too short not to.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

The image is mine.

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