RE: Think like a Viking: Part sixty

Ohh damnn. Yes I see your point there!

Responsibility and acknowledgement is important. Staying within the boundaries and knowing what is actually brutal and unacceptable is also needed. But there are also people who bind themselves too much with the rules of society and righteousness, and thus live a life that is full of constraints.

I guess the moto should be, "live unapologetically, but not at the cost of others." If you are living while causing others misery, at the end things will amount to nothing.

Because all of us are gonna go under the same ground, get mixed with the same soil and atmosphere when it all comes to an end. So there is no point, harming the ones who will share your ashes when the world collapses.

And if someone still thinks causing harm is a form of enjoyment and freedom, well, then they should probably get some help asap!

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