oyster mushroom growth in plantation

Hello everyone, this time I will share a little with my friends about what I just found.
So, first of all, let me introduce my real name, Nanda, my citizenship is Indonesian and I live in Aceh
Okay, I'll just enter in telling about this quality post

Today I had the opportunity to travel to a plantation in a village very far from the city, here I visited some of my uncle's gardens and after I got there I saw very beautiful oyster mushrooms and the scenery
So on this occasion I will post about mushrooms

There are many types of mushrooms but on this occasion I will post oyster mushrooms because we can easily find oyster mushrooms in various trees that have been cut down, there are also oyster mushrooms that live in palm trees and other trees.


I will explain the notion of mushrooms, oyster mushrooms are food mushrooms from the Basidiomycota group, the general characteristics of the fruiting body are white to cream and the bow is semicircular like an oyster shell with a slightly curved center.


Mushrooms have many benefits and can also be eaten or cooked, some are made into medicine, many mushrooms can be processed into medicine, in Acehnese the fungus is called toadstool. Because I like oyster mushrooms, this time I will post oyster mushrooms.

Well, this is my short story on this occasion, hopefully my friends on the hive blog may be entertained, I'm @suneo thank you

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