Today we will make mushroom tea

Inonotus obliquus is a species of fungi of the genus Inonotus. The sterile form of the mushroom is called chaga, or birch mushroom. This mushroom is used in folk medicine as an antitumor and protivogastritis agent. The chemical composition is poorly understood.

Official sources write that the benefits of this mushroom have not been proven. Although in Siberia, chaga tea is drunk like any other tea, in small concentrations it is a good tonic.
Our friends gave me chaga, they live in an apiary near the forest.
The recipe for this drink was written down from their words.

Официальные источники пишут, что польза этого гриба не была доказана. Хотя в Сибири чай из чаги пьют, как и любой другой чай, в небольших весовых частях он является хорошим тонизирующим средством. Наши друзья подарили мне чагу, они живут на пасеке у края леса, рецепт этого напитка был записан с их слов.

This is what dried chaga looks like:

The inside of the mushroom is used to make tea:

Quick recipe (30 minutes):

Grind the chaga by any means.

Soak for 20 minutes / 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of boiling water /

This tea taste suits herbal tea lovers. Strong woody flavor.

Tea with additives (6 hours in a thermos)

Recipe: 400 ml of boiling water, 5 teaspoons of chaga, 10 rose hips, 1 tablespoon of mint.

I like the second version of tea more: there is a slightly noticeable sourness of rose hips, a subtle scent of mint, but the woody taste is almost not felt at all.
I drink this tea with honey, sometimes with mountain ash jam. Great mix!

Мне больше нравится второй вариант чая: слегка заметна кислинка шиповника, тонкий аромат мяты, но древесный привкус почти не ощущается.
Пью этот чай с медом, иногда с вареньем из рябины. Отличный микс!

Be healthy and take care of yourself!


Images and text are mine, unless other sources are indicated

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