We think that these are False Turkey-Tail mushrooms.

Here are some South African ones.

Greetings to all and I hope that you will enjoy my first post in here.

I placed a squirrel post recently (not including this photo) and someone asked me to post about the mushrooms on the log ring in our garden. The contractors cut a large old tree down and I asked them for some logs as we are busy with our new garden. As you can see they form an ideal barrier around the young Aloe tree.
But I digress and let's have a look at the fungi.


There are also some other types of mushrooms growing at the bottom here.

This is the base of the tree that was cut down and you can see the same type of mushrooms on the trunk.


Finally the logs also serve as feeding tables for the family of squirrels that live here in our garden.

Now here is a closer look at the mushrooms.
It is winter now and the rain has stated to bleach and darken the mushrooms,

When I first took the bark off the logs, the mushrooms were an orange color. This is the top of the small one and the bottom of the big one.

And here is the bottom of the small one and the top of the big one. You can see the orange zone on the bigger one that has become faded in the rain.

The orange color when they were fresh was our search criteria and we found the name here:

Like the true "Turkey Tail", the "False Turkey Tail" (Stereum ostrea) has a colorful, somewhat fuzzy cap that displays zones of brown, red, orange, buff, or green colors.
The tell-tale difference between Turkey Tails is found underneath the cap. The false one lacks a pore surface and therefore has a smooth underside. It is a crust fungus rather than a polypore.


And That's All Friends!

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved

We hope that you have enjoyed the story and the pictures.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post by @papilloncharity

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