Looking back on a day of storm Ciaran with some nature around

Wow, yesterday was a brutal day which was all in dedicated to storm Ciaran taking the main stage of the day here in central Europe. I wasn't happy at all with the warning of that people were urged to stay home if possible, and just that day was the one where I had to travelt o the other side of the country.

But what is wisdom on a day like this on how to travel? Go by car together with the rest of Holland who are in a hurry and in urge to get off of the highway and with these gusts pulling you from left to right? Well that doesn't sounds really much attractive at all honestly.

Or go by train on the most stable public transportation form which has allready a lot of issues and falling trees on traintracks might also not ben the most chill and reliable form of travel?


Or make sure you are there in the morning and stay over with friends in the evening until it all settles down? But damn we have to travel with more people towards there, and there is not a spot available for all of us?

Just go...

Alright let's just take it easy and drive in a peaceful pace towards there and see what happens. But before we had even left already the first tree here in the woods was knocked over by the wind, and also the first drive aroudn the corner felt more like Mario cart while avoiding fallen branches on the street was more of the main gig.

Not really much of a reassuring start that is?


On the road I ran into still a lot of higher cars carrying load behind them in trailers which made me wonder how necessary that was on a windy day like this. On the other hand..I was also on the road where you can also wonder how necessary that actually was.

We all find our own levels of importance on it all I think?


After passing pieces of wood on the highway which most likely fell off of a truck and straight after that two cars with shredded tires (I guess thanks to the wood on the streets) all happening in like 5 lanes wide, I thought to myself that there were so many other places where I would rather be than driving on a highway at that moment during a storm, even though the wind wasn't even that bad.

Passing a motorcycle which was blown from left to right to top it off was like the summon of it.

More trees falling and the birds

The sound of trees tipping over due to wind aint really a sweet one I must admit. At first you already hear some cracking and later on the big roaaar takes over, leaving silence and howling of the wind afterwards. Not a pretty sound at all.

Looking back on this day which luckily didn't have any effect for me at all (just some shitted pants maybe) there were also some casualties by people who had struck by falling trees and also a lot of damages to property that means.

Storms aint no fun at all if you ask me. Today is also not exactly silent in wind at all, but at least there is room again to check some outdoors again.

At the beginning of the storm I started to wonder where all the birds went. I remember this from my hurricane days as well. Where do all the birds go prior to the storm, even if they only have ocean around them?

At a certain I saw a grande spectacle of birds circeling together over nothing. It were hundreds of them, and they had a synergy going on like they knew exactly what to do and where to go.

But when the wind came the took cover on the ground in a little group.


Is that maybe what these shrooms are doing as well? Taking cover in a group to secure themselves for when it gets worse?

I am just happy to take a walk again outside today and see how the groups are doing again.

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