Fungi Friday - A Double Find & Dandelions On The Way


Thinking any search for Fungi would come up fruitless, I ventured out anyway. It didn't take long, no more than twenty yards, before I was pleasantly rewarded for my effort.

Hiding under a canopy of ground cover was a nice little patch of mushrooms! They were hard to see upon approach.


No sign of them here, just a long shadow.


Zooming in, you can barely catch sight of them. And these pics were taken after I cleared away the foliage.


Now they're starting to become more visible. Let's take a closer look.


Here the patch of caps is hiding when I first spotted them out of the corner of my eye. And again in the pic below.


After clearing the surrounding cover for a better view, I flipped one over to see the gills.


Having returned from some errands after capturing these photos, I decided to walk up the way a bit further. Again, rewards were paid for no strenuous amount of effort.

But first! I was waylayed by a triplet of irresistible Dandelions.

When The Wind Picks Up They'll Be Gone


Focus in the zoom in was a challenge as they shuddered in the wind. A pause in the blowing allowed the capture of this one in the sunlight.


More Shrooms Under The Pine Trees

A couple pine trees in the corner of the row of townhouses where we live produce shrooms underneath quite often. They came through again today as they have in the past.


Like the first patch, these shrooms were hiding under some weeds. If not looking, I probably wouldn't have noticed them. Here they are with some clearing.


There they are much easier to see. One popped loose as I tried to pull the weed right next to it.


The second larger mushroom remained intact and stood up proudly for this close up photo.


It's kinda cool how one lone pine needle is sitting on top. And that's the show for today folks. I skipped the Mushroom ID App this time round. Let me know if you think you have a name for these stems and caps.

Happy Fungi Friday and as always...



Images Courtesy Of My Galaxy S10+
Bottom Image Courtesy Of Brand Assets
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