Fungi Friday: 4 Shrooms On The Dryout


These guys caught my eye yesterday as my feet crossed their path. I didn't have my phone on me at the time so I wandered back over to get pictures today.

With no clouds in the sky and the sun burning bright, I'm surprised I could still find them at all. But there they were half way dried up, in the same spot.


There are four tops in that image above, although the bottom one is hard to see. It's right next to that weed, brown and all dried up. The top on the top left got shmushed half way by something.

I ran these shrooms through this shroom ID App but I have doubts about its reliability. Last week, I didn't turn the mushrooms over to see their gills. No forgetting this time.


One of the shrooms seemed to be in a state of further deterioration than the other. I could see brown gills while the other had no gills showing from the outside at all.

Wondering if there were indeed gills on the inside, I tore a portion of the cap open. Sure enough, you can see the white rows of gills removed from hiding.


This last pic shows the shroom with the gills exposed before I flipped it over. It's holey, deformed, decaying, and looks really cool! Lol.

If you have an idea what kind of shrooms these are and have the gumption, please inform me. It's interesting to see how off this Mushroom ID App really is.

That's it for this Fungi Friday. Thanks for viewing and as always....



Images Courtesy Of My Galaxy S10+
Bottom Image Courtesy Of Brand Assets


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