Getting Know About Fungus and Parasite Wild Plants


Mushroom is a kind of fungi things found in dead barks of tree, stones and even dried leaves. It lives and grows depends on the environment they want to grow. It can be known as parasites because it lives and depends on the big biological things just like trees. Today, this is my first time to seen some of the photo compilation I have here in my Gallery, and for me I think this kind of plants also member in fungi society. Here in our Province, there are lots of wild plants can be seen and found, some of this are vine plants and it grows on the big trees just like Mahogany and Molavie tree. But during my travel and exploring the place, Allow me to share this one fascinating photo about mushroom.

This is a kind of mushroom that grows in the rotten germilina tree, I tried to touch those and it is rough and hard kind of mushroom. This is its Natural color and it already grows everywhere in this big tree. It can hardly to pull it out in the tree and it grows longer.


Balete tree can also grow with any soil and the example is this one. It grows in the coconut tree and the roots will cling on the tree and it can lived many years. To all plant lovers that have lots of ideas about plants, they called this Bonsai. This kind of tree can grow bigger and wider and the roots of this tree can covered the trees were it grows. If the balete tree can grows, it can turn into a bonsai thing. The roots of this tree are already under of this coconut tree.

Balete tree is good for ornamental plants, and it grows without soil on it. Most of the coconut trees here are filled with many Balete trees clinging on its trunk.


This fern is what we called, Birds nest fern. Its leaves contains a curvy shape and pointed leaves. This kind of fern does not grows in the land or soil areas instead it grows on different kinds of trees. Most of the trees were this plant grows is in Manggoe and coconut trees. The leaves of this fern is very hard and rough and it contains bulbs at the middle of this leaves. The roots are already at the coconut trunks and it can live for many years. The bulb of this plant can grow bigger and wider and it can cover those trees were this plants grows.


The leaves of this vine plants is just like monstera deliciousa, a kind of wild and rare plants mostly found in the cool areas just like im the forest or mountains. Like the birds nest fern, this plant grows at the big trees and its root does not attached to the soil. Mahogany tree is the best spot were this plant grows and can spread faster for how many days only. It is very hard to pull it from the tree were it grows because the roots are perfectly clinging at the tree barks or stems.


Others called this kind of vine plants, turtle leaf plants. This kind of vine plants mostly grows at the big stones and some dried or rotten trees. They called thi by its names because of the design of the leaves just like a turtle shell. The roots of this vine plants also does not attached to the soil and it depends of the trees were it clings. Those tiny roots of this vine plants are already inside of this tree were the nutrients will sucked on this plant roots. It also dies if the environment were it grows particularly the tree were completely dried and useless.

This are some of the Fungi wild plants found here in the Province, and there are still lots of this kind of plants that have not yet discovered.

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