Baby Morels - Third Time Is A Charm

A beautiful morning to all my fellow fungi lovers!

It's been a while since the last update of my morel journey. Now I want to bring up to date what happend so far. Maybe you remember that I gushed about the beautiful weather. The warmth of the spring sun and the fading memories of the past winter. In the following days it still was warm, sometimes even hot and since there was no rain, I feard that those delicate young baby-morels would dehydrate and possible siblings would never grow. So I begged for rain. And it came! I was so happy until the rain changed it's state of aggregation: thick snowflakes fell on to the ground. Covering everything with a white blanket. the tempreature dropped and I simply could not believe my eyes! And it would not stop. Those frequent and extrem weather changes are typical for this time of the year but still: I was worried about the morels.
My lovely girlfriend was brave enough to look after them despite the cold wind and the thick layer of snow. And her courage was rewarded.




She found the tiny baby and two other morels. One of them was already teared down. We suspect that someone or something ran over it. Anyway - she left the baby and took the two bigger fungi with her.
The following days were chracterized by a change in melting and falling snow. Until finally no snow fell anymore. I, eager to know whats happening out there, visited my morel place and what a surprise! A few steps away from my usual location I found five big morels! Since I only had my phone with me I took a short video for you. Black Morels In The Black Forest


A few days ago we visited my place again and had to discover that unfortunatly the baby morel didn't survive the cold and succumbed to frostbite. It seemed like there were no morels anymore.
After - what felt like an eternity we found one morel.


Despite knowing that the season for morel picking is almost over, I still hope that I will find some more in the following days. Especially because of the past rainy days and the warm rising sun of this morning.
I will keep you updated about my journey!

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