The Future Of Kindness

It's possible to raise a generation where compassion is their Hallmark, but then, it starts with changing the narrative about kindness that has hardened the hearts of many. I shared a lot of beautiful moments with my grandma when I was younger and she told me stories of how people related in the past. People shared their food and properties with the less privileged without expecting anything in return, families ate together, and strangers were welcomed with open arms. Where everything went wrong remained unknown, but then, if kindness persists, there's a future it can produce that will impact generations after generations.

Beyond our physical differences, beyond our cultural differences, beyond religion and skin color, we are all humans who need one another to survive. This singular understanding can promote kindness among societies and nations. Advocating this in our homes, culture, school, places of worship and work can go a long way to promote kindness. Kindness can also be encouraged from childhood, a simple task like telling a child to help an old woman hold a lighter load, help someone get something, or tell them to share their belongings with someone can impact them positively toward showing kindness to people.

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Segregation, discrimination, and hate for certain cultures all started from history that has been documented and passed down to generations. History told to generation after generation had trampled the spread of kindness and had built a nest of hatred and discrimination in the hearts of people with no cause. One thing I have come to realize is that; as long as we immerse ourselves in our culture and traditions, there'll always be discrimination and tribalism, because there are often things that our culture forbids that another culture practices and certain doctrines that are not accepted by another culture. The one true way to hold on to kindness is to overlook tradition, and accept the one thing that binds us together- God's words about kindness.

If kindness persist and build a stronghold in the life of people by doing simple things like sharing food, saying greetings, and sharing encouraging words to people both on the Internet and street, there'll come a time when kindness will be a character that will naturally be displayed by everyone with no struggles and the world will become a better place where kindness is honored.

My Kindness Journal

MONDAY- I gave someone some money he never expected

TUESDAY- Helps someone carried out a duty because he couldn't make it in time

WEDNESDAY-Guide someone on something he was ignorant about

THURSDAY- Bought a dress for my grandma.

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