March FORTH into kindness on March 4th!

From one amazing challenge to another...

Dreemers are being molded moment by moment into vessels of life-changing power! That's no exaggeration, my friends. We have been challenged (and hopefully will always continue) to strive to strip ourselves of the things holding us back - and be DOUSED with the opportunities to blossom and grow into the best versions of ourselves. That's what we do. That's who we are. That's how we roll!

So where are we going this March?

THE KINDNESS COMMUNITY 🤗❤️ created by @gregscloud! And yes, please feel free to subscribe to that community and post in that community if it suits you!!!

One of my favorite days of the year is the unofficial EXELAUNO DAY. This was started by my Greek professor in my school days! Exelauno means "to MARCH FORTH OR PROCEED" in Greek, and every year, he would have us plan a big party where we could celebrate this day on.... March 4, of course!

How appropriate that we are MARCHING FORTH into Kindness tomorrow - and spending as much time there as we can!!!


As we mentioned last week - we asked you to pause and reflect on what KINDNESS means to you. That post is DUE IN DREEMPORT tomorrow, March 4, Exelauno Day! hehe

For me? Kindness is something that has its very core in the heart of God. It flows from true sacrifice, true love and care for another, it considers the other better than yourself, and it ACTS accordingly. Kindness isn't just about a nice feeling - it is SHOWN in a tangible way towards another being. (Not just humans - we can show kindness to anything that is alive!)

Kindness is something so desperately needed - ALWAYS. There has never been and never will be a time where this beautiful quality will be unnecessary. When the world is constantly caring for others more highly than their own selves - what a place it would be to live!!!

We think at times - this is impossible. The world is too cruel, too corrupt, too evil, too self-absorbed, too indifferent. But I challenge you all, as @gregscloud has - to BE it yourself. In spite of what we see, add more of what we want to see in our families, our schools, our jobs, our communities - and watch what happens.

Our first week: what it entails

  • Kindness journal
  • Kindness fact-a-day (by @gregscloud )
  • Weekly Challenge post

Our Kindness Journal is simple!

Each day - take one of these suggestions (or create your own!) and simply do one!!! Keep track of what you do, because on Thursday, you'll be telling us what you did Monday - Thursday! Next week will be Friday - following Thursday!
On your challenge post - at the bottom, state what you did each day, and feel free to add how you felt, how the other person reacted, something unexpected - etc!

Here are your SUGGESTIONS for this week - but remember, they are only suggestions! Feel free to be inspired to do something new - or .. one or two! (or more??) Can you even imagine how many lives we can touch by the end of this month???? THINK ABOUT THAT!

  • Send a handwritten card to a long-distance friend. Snail mail surprises are the best.
  • Compliment a stranger's unique style or a kind gesture you observe.
  • Tutor a student in a subject you excel in. Sharing knowledge empowers others.
  • Let someone go ahead of you in line, especially if they seem stressed or in a hurry.
  • Write a kind comment on someone's blog or social media post – spread positivity online!
  • Share a positive news story on social media - let's amplify the good!
  • Hide encouraging notes or positive messages in public places, workplace or school for others to find.
  • Let a car merge into your lane in traffic. A small act of courtesy goes a long way.
  • Smile and say hello to people you pass on the street. You never know who might need a smile.
  • Offer to help an elderly neighbor with yard work, snow removal, or other chores.
  • Donate old towels or blankets to your local animal shelter.
  • Offer a listening ear to a friend in need. Sometimes, just being there is enough.
  • Pay for the person behind you in line at the coffee shop. A surprise treat can make someone's day.
  • Assemble hygiene kits and distribute them to the homeless. A small gesture can make a big difference.

Whatever you decide to do - keep track in your KINDNESS JOURNAL, and ADD that to the bottom of your Challenge Post for this week!!!

Kindness fact-a-day

Head to @gregscloud on Dbuzz, and see what his Kindness fact is that day! Add a comment and share it out if you like! Every day - one comment will be chosen to receive 100 DREEM! hehehe Can you imagine the activity each day on these kindness facts??? Feel free to share on other social medias! Let's spread the word because our WORDS MATTER!!! Look at that timing! Words matter week - the first week of March! It's almost like this was destined to be perfect for dreemers!!! hehe

And finally - our WEEKLY CHALLENGE POST!

Remember - it is DUE on Thursday, March 7 in DreemPort. We now allow for posts to be submitted on any day - BUT... since you have your Kindness Journal to add onto the post - PLEASE make your post ON Thursday so it can have your FULL journal entries on it!

You have a choice of THREE options to write your post on this week.

The MAESTRO OF KINDNESS @gregscloud has compiled these for us beautifully. Do think about which one speaks to you - and share with us!!

  1. The Influence of Cultural Diversity on Perceptions of Kindness:

What could be perceived as kindness in one culture but not another?
Questions to Consider:
How does cultural diversity influence perspectives on kindness?
Why is cultural sensitivity important for promoting unity and inclusivity?
In what ways does appreciating cultural differences contribute to a sense of community and cooperation?
What steps can individuals take to promote peace and mutual understanding among diverse cultural groups?

  1. Kindness and Technology:

How does technology impact the promotion of kindness and compassion in society?
Questions to consider:
How does technology influence acts of kindness?
In what ways can technology be leveraged to promote kindness and compassion?
Has technology simplified the dissemination of kindness?
Are there challenges posed by technology that make spreading kindness more complex?

  1. Kindness and Health:

How does kindness contribute to our overall well-being?
Questions to consider:
What are the effects of kindness on our mental health?
How does practicing kindness influence our physical well-being?
What specific health benefits can be attributed to acts of kindness?

So choose one of those three topics above for your Challenge Post due on Thursday! Don't forget to add your Kindness Journal to the bottom of the post! And hop over to @gregscloud's dbuzz Kindness facts each day to spread the word and spread the kindness!!!! PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR POSTS to the THE KINDNESS COMMUNITY and also PLEASE USE #DREEMERKINDNESS as the tag on the post too! and of course... submit to DreemPort! hehehe

ARE YOU READY DREEMERS? Shall we permeate the world with kindness this month (and beyond!)

Let's do it!!!!

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft, @balikis95, @alessandrawhite, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Kindness to all Image created by me with Midjourney

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