RE: Times of Technological Kindness | Tiempos de Bondad Tecnológica

I love your characterization of govt :D I know in my heart that we are all part of it etc. etc. but the govts of the world are indeed very infuriating.

Leaving that aside the false part of social media is so true. Till the start of Feb I would not write anything about kindness or any other virtue, cause I felt it made me like "those social influencers" and it will look like I am trying to mine for sympathy and likes.

Interacting with @gregscloud made me realize that it is important for us to do stuff intentionally and also show we are doing it so others can join us and we can create a tribe. So finally I have started taking baby steps and writing about it. So I say let's forget the false people and all of us will try and remain true and honest in ourselves.

It was great reading your post @fragozar01 Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife

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