Breathe In Kindness and Breathe Out Kindness

I always tell people that Kindness should be a way of life. We should breathe in kindness and breathe out kindness. This way the whole air will be filled with kindness and compassion. When there was Corona in the air, people were asked to wear face masks to prevent them from contracting it, I think with Kindness in the air, people do not need to wear face masks as that is something everyone needs to breathe in.

Design by me using Canva


There are several challenges people face when they try to practice kindness. But one should know that these challenges can be worked on. Negativity and entitlement are common challenges that people could face when trying to be kind. Most times people get a negative energy when they try to be kind to someone. We are in a society where most people are ungrateful. You do something little for them and then they ask you why you did such a little thing. This is one challenge that makes some people stop being kind.

Also, another challenge people encounter when trying to be kind is Judgement from people. Most times some people tend to call you names and make you feel like you are overdoing things or you are trying to be kind just because you want to be noticed and this can be disheartening. One just needs to overlook things like things.


Society has made most people see certain acts of kindness as not worth it. Most times the little act of kindness that one can afford doesn’t mean anything because Society has made it a norm that some act of kindness supersedes others.


Also, society has bred a sense of entitlement where people feel they are entitled to certain things. There was one time a friend of mine, stood up from his seat for a pregnant woman to sit, and instead of her saying thank you, she said “I was coming to ask you to stand up even”. I was shocked because I think she feels she has the entitlement. After all, society has made it so.


There are several barriers to kindness, they could include, not having time to be kind to people, negativity, and so on. One great strategy for overcoming this barrier is Surrounding yourself with positive people. People with like minds do the same thing. If you surround yourself with positivity you find out you can go about being kind, without you feeling some kind of way. Whenever we feel we are too busy to be kind, we should try to make time to do something little for l anyone close by. Kindness isn’t all about finances. It could be holding the door for the next person. Time is never a barrier.


Education and awareness can help promote kindness in several ways. Most people grow up not learning a thing about kindness. If kindness is taught to people in schools and there is an awareness about how important it is. I am certain that most people will grow up to have the mentality that it takes just a few seconds to be kind and compassionate to the next person.

Communities could help promote kindness among their members by creating awareness of kindness where people get to know that all levels of kindness are equal and they all mean a lot.


DAY 1: I was able to send a box of doughnuts to my friend as a surprise.
DAY 2: I gave out money to two kids who approached me and said they were hungry.
DAY 3: I sent a lovely message to my friend, letting her know how much I appreciate her.
DAY 4: I let a student fetch water from the tap before me.
DAY 5: I smiled whenever I said hello to anyone. This is a daily thing though.

All images used are mine except otherwise stated

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Cheers 🥂

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