How My Toddler Is Teaching Me Some of Life's Important Lessons

Good day, all! I am Bernadith, a first time mom to a two-year old boy named Q. At 39, I have been open to the lessons my son has been teaching me. You see, my son is experiencing life as we expose it to him. Sometimes he gets frustrated; most of the times he embraces new experiences happily. The lessons of perseverance or persistence, patience or the lack of it, happiness, and excitement that I learn from him take me back to when I was a child myself exploring life. It is like I have another chance at childhood, and with Q, it is more rich and precious.
Last night as I was preparing for dinner, I had been opening and closing the refrigerator many times to get supplies for dinner while Q was watching a new TV show we downloaded for him to watch on TV. I was lost in my preparation when suddenly the opening and closing of the refrigerator door snapped me back. Right there was Q, holding the door and looking back at me with a smirk. I did not want him to develop a habit of playing with the refrigerator so I yelled at him. He just stared back at me, touched the water bottle, closed the refrigerator hard, and after a few seconds, open it again. I was in the verge of getting mad, but then I realised that he was learning something new---opening and closing the fridge was a new milestone for him, and momma saying "close, close," did not matter at all. He opened and closed it several times until I had to take him away from it. This I learned the lesson on perseverance. I know with his small arms it was a bit hard for him to open the fridge. I don't know how many trials he did to finally open it, and when he was finally able to do it, he heard me saying, "No, close it," and he was not giving up just because I said no. He had to do it again. He had to try again. So, I let him do it a few times and celebrated with him. However, I needed to take him away from it to stop playing. He was frustrated. He fussed for a while. Then his attention was back to the TV. As a parent, sometimes
we are so busy doing things that we think matter like cooking, and we forgot that our kids need our approval, our validation, and attention. Most importantly, they need out love and care. May we not forget that our little ones are still new at life and they need us to be there for them.[

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