To Learn or to Play?

Have you ever wondered how your kid has endless energy while playing and five minutes into homework they are tired, sleepy, and hungry. In short, they are just too exhausted to concentrate and learn. Even writing a meagre A B C is tiring, and all they do is keep forgetting and getting distracted.

My kiddo is four years old and I don’t plan on sending her to school yet. However, I am homeschooling her for a few months just so she can get a hang of some of the things. She loves books and my goal is to have her learn the alphabet so she can start reading.

She loves to excel at everything, and it would be a huge boost for her independence once she realises she can form words. Once she learnt to recognise the letters A, B, and N, and remembered how to make the sounds. She formed the word BANANA on a jelly box and oh how her face lit up with joy. That was the day I decided to work on her alphabet.

A few days into homeschooling, I realised it was more difficult than I expected. She would write one or two letters or numbers, and then would want to colour, or get up to play. She couldn’t last even five minutes. The problem wasn’t the short time she sat, it was fine if she learned a number or two. What was the rush right? She had her whole lifetime left to learn these. I just wanted to make the whole learning process enjoyable, and easy for me as well.

Taking care of a kid, and the house all day would tire me out, and sitting down with her to write and learn was something I looked forward to. I wanted it to be easy and enjoyable for the both of us.

Source: My personal gallery
This was her class room. The turtle was the teacher.

One day, she was playing with some toys when I suggested we make a classroom. One of the toys would be the teacher the rest would be the students. This idea turned out to be better than I had ever expected. Not only did we have a great time, I learnt that my kid knew more letters and numbers than I thought she knew. I also managed to make her learn new ones without tiring or boring her out.

The three is facing the wrong way hahaha but in her defense, she was writing on a "board" like a teacher. I like the has personality. She wrote a bunch of alphabets later that I forgot to take a picture off. Sadly she erased everything later to draw a picture.

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