Motherhood - Is there anything right or wrong?

Hello to all the beautiful mommies!

A lot of my friends are new moms, including me. We all feel guilty at times when our babies are hurt or sick or behave badly. But is it the right feeling? And can this be controlled? Let's talk about it.

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With kids, this is a very common and normal feeling. I can say this from my experience now. And from that of a lot of mom friends. We feel guilty if our child misbehaves or doesn't eat properly or gets cold and cough. We think we must have done something wrong, we are not giving them enough time or must have not made good food. But are we thinking right? Nope, not at all!

As a mother, we all think the best for our children. We compromise and sacrifice our needs to give them what they need and want. We seldom give away and ignore our wishes just to make them happy. Like now I make food according to his taste and not mine, I prefer going to places where he can enjoy it as well even if that means giving up on my fun and relaxation, I love mangoes and I don't like to share them with anyone but now I do that with him. And it's not only me, every mother does it. Just like this, every mother makes mistakes. Not because they intend to hurt their children but because they are not aware that their action can hurt their child or cause an unwanted reaction. But that doesn't make us a bad mothers at all.

We ladies are not born to be mothers, we don't inherit motherhood either. Nobody teaches us that this is what we need to do as a mother. When we become a mother at the age of 25 or 30 it's a completely new thing for us. It's like an on the job training. No time to learn, but we have to learn, like every day, every moment. And it's also not like we can learn from our friends or siblings. Every child is different and so every mom is different. Moms learn according to their kids. And in this learning process, like for everything else, there is a scope of error. Like to err is to human. So there's absolutely nothing to feel bad or guilty about.

We need to understand that being a mother is a much greater responsibility than being a father or a grandmother. And all of it comes in addition to our current job and workload. So it's ok if we make mistakes. That doesn't make us a bad or irresponsible mothers. The intent is never bad. We learn as we grow in our role and that happens to every mother in this world. We are normal if we make mistakes. Don't feel bad about it.

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