Life of a Mother

You can't sleep till your child is awake.

You can't go out with your friends, especially if they don't have kids.

You can't take a bath unless you give them one else you will be drenched again.

You can't have food unless they have because you feel bad.

You can't scold or slap them even when you desire the most because they are your kids.

You can't hate them even if they break your head or hurt you badly.

Being a mother is a tough job indeed. It's almost like giving up on your life to make someone else's life better. We all know its a tough job. A mother has to sacrifice a few years of her life till the child becomes a little independent. And it's not the same with fathers. It's mostly the mothers who have to sacrifice on their things to give their child the best love and care. And they deserve it, right? We have brought them to this world so we are bound to take care of them.

Knowing all of this, we still give birth. Bear a change in body shape, live with a fat tummy for 9 months, undergo surgery or tolerate the hardest known pain to be a mother. There's something about it for sure.

Before I was a mother, I used to feel so creepy about moms who undergo all of it. I thought what's the need, just stay happy with your husband and chill around. But now that I'm a mom, I understand the importance of being a mother.

I love it when he eats me up.

I love it when he pulls my hair.

I don't mind cleaning his pee & poop.

I love to shop for him.

I love to make different food for him.

I love him more than I love myself.

With all these feelings, I sometimes get scared that I don't turn into a selfish mom. I don't want him to return back any favors for me. I don't want him to take care of me when I am old. I don't want anything from him but would love it if he treats me as a friend.

As a mother and as a parent, I realize it wasn't his decision to be born. It was my decision to bring him to this world and so it's only me who owes him. I never want to be a needy mom. I want my child to do things to me that he wants to and that brings him happiness. I want to be a good mother in real sense.

Keeping my fingers crossed for the days to come.!

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