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Playground Adventurer #4 - Jungle Cruise Theme

Jungle cruise theme playground, I'm guessing. My second guess would be a forest fort theme. Maybe there isn't a theme. It has three different slides, a rope bridge, a wood bridge, and off to the side is a swing set.

The playground has the toddler springy chairs that are prevalent in this area. It looks like a frog and two goldfish chairs. My daughter doesn't like them for rocking that much, she likes to climb on and off them.

You just can't beat a good slide. This playground has three of them. The twist at the end is always fun, but I'm left wondering why they even have that little bend at the end. Is it to slow the person down ever so slightly?

A tunnel slide that probably gets really static-y and hot in the summer, but is perfect to prevent the rain from accumulating inside of it. It has a warning on the front, not to climb up it for some reason. At first I thought it was to prevent other children from sliding down and hitting them, but maybe it's so you don't panic and try to turn back around? What do you think?

A rope bridge, with no beam or really any support. I was surprised at this, since this playground doesn't look like it's for that age range of children. It's purely optional though as there is another way up to get to that slide.

The back shown first and then the front. You see the large slide, but the most interesting part is to the left of it. It's a little makeshift store and little coal shoot that you can put pinecones from the nearby trees through.

A tall grate cage to pretend you're in a tower or zoo cage. The spyglass is above her, out of her reach. This is also an indication she may be too young to ride this playground, but she loves it anyway.

A little bridge to climb up, which contradicts the other things on the playground, since even a 3-year-old can climb it. Maybe the playground is for all ages.

Tik-Tak-Toe game. This was one of many that the kids could play. Not my cup of tea, never was, although probably a good developmental game.

This is a wonderful, problem solving game they installed in the playground. Usually the colors are mismatched and you have to sort them to get all the matching colors together. She was able to figure it out with only a simple explanation.

Just to the right of the playground are swings. This is a rare sight in Korea for some reason. They just don't have a lot of swings here. In America, every single playground had swings or it just wouldn't be complete.

Thanks for reading! Please see my previous post with a pirate ship theme.