Hello guys my name is sommy and I am new to motherhood community. Being a mother is beautiful and challenging, it's more than just giving birth to a baby. Being a father is also challenging but in this post of mine, I'll be talking about 'Motherhood'.

I have a son and his name is Jason izibeya, he is 2months and 8days old. Before I got pregnant with my child (jason), I love babies alot and thought motherhood would be very easy, and that I don't have to go through any stress. Now I have my own baby, of course I still love babies. But now I have a different view of 'Motherhood'.

After I had three contractions during my pregnancy, and plus the labour pain. I am now more conscious, protective and anxious than I ever was before. Even the way I interact with people now seems different.
Being an independent woman that loves her job and has no time for any distractions, even interacting with people seems like alot of work for me. I used to love being by myself and get my work done. But now my life is rapped around my baby ( Jason).

I've been at home ( Maternity leave) for about 3months and 8days now, away from the job I once loved so much. Hmm, I guess Jason is more than enough for me. He is my world, he is worth more than my job. He is worth my whole life.

When I was a little child, my mother would starve herself and give me the last food in the house to eat. Stating that "she was filled". I usually get upset and wonder what her problem was, we could just eat together. I never knew that my mother wanted the food to be enough for me.
Now am a mother and I am doing same for my child.

The late night stress of waking up to breast feed my baby (Jason) is beautiful. I said it is beautiful because in a year time, he will start running around and calling me Mummy! Mummy!.
There is no greater joy than motherhood. Though it is challenging, but we mother's are strong enough to face any challenge.
Delivery pain they say is the worst pain ever. For me it is a 'bitter sweet ' pain. Because after the pain, came my bundle of sweet joy.

Shout out to all the mothers in the house. You all are strong, you are brave, you are courageous, and you are perfect. There is nobody in the world like you.



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