The Challenges of Raising a Girl

Hello friends am here to share my thoughts with you concerning raising a girl child that's why am writing this post from my point of view.It may not be true for you, but it’s my experience as a mother with 3 adorable girls. I believe boys and girls have different characters and traits right from the womb and bringing them up is a bit different. I also know that it challenging raising kids whether girl child or a boy but raising a girl child is a very big responsibility which parents should be more sensitive in raising them because they are more vulnerable than a boy child in our society a girl child needs special care and love. I know boys are naturally troublesome, dominating, loud, bullying boisterous, noisy, and powerful, but most times they can be easily understood because they make their points and needs plain, they are straightforward which makes it easier for them to be understood hence their needs met but for the girls it isn't so they need more attention and patience, most times they don't even understand what they really want.

They are naturally more emotional than boys.
Girls have big emotions they cry alot,
when dealing with them you need a high level of understanding to raise them if not you may be misunderstood or you may misunderstand them .

They are more of dramatic gestures
My daughter would not stop moving around the place until you tell her that her dress is fine, she loves compliment.

My daughter loves beautiful dress she loves dressing up to act like me(mummy) my first daughter gives me difficulty in selecting her dress
If she doesn't like a dress you can't convince her to wear it she already knows what she wants and to get her choice of clothes most times is challenging, but a boy child can easily get in done with a Tshirt, a shirt and a trouser but to my daughters I'll need to look for a nice handbag good shoes, a hat to compliment her dressing
Depending on the outfit.

They hardly let go
Since they are full of emotions it's sometimes difficult to tell them no and for them to be able to handle it and let it go, I see myself explaining my reasons again and again if she wants a new dress or a new doll and you ain't getting it for them you have to give them thousands reasons for it.

They are more Clingy than boys, they are attention seekers, they often feel insecure, they talk more and want to be heard, if you are too busy to listen to them they feel you ain't their friend, you will need to create more time to listen to them than the boys.

They go through alot of physical and mental changes during puberty, they are to be educated about sex and intimacy for they are more vulnerable to sexual abuse than boys and it calls for the need and importance to educate a girl child.

Victims of bullying
The girl child is is more vulnerable to be bully by the opposite sex and a girl child should be taught on how to deal with bullies, how to defend herself, how to have high self-esteem and confidence and lot more.
Girls are not easier to raise than boys. Its a huge task especially in todays world where you can't trust your girl child with anyone else,as a mother have learnt to put in all efforts to help my girls grow and stand out strong.

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