Experience and joy of having a new born baby!!!



Greetings lovely mothers!!!

There is this joy that parents do have when the arrival of their new born baby arrived. It is always a thing of excitement after one year in marriage. To show that the marriage is productive.

Now, the mother who carried this child for 9 months with excruciating pains, cries, worries have forgotten about what she passed through on this journey.

Also, the father has forgotten about how he used to stay awake and watch the wife when complaining of pains. The baby has arrived there is an overflowing joy in the parents heart.
Experience of being a young mother. At this stage she is so naïve not knowing how to breastfeed, bath or even hold the baby, so there must be someone who will direct her to do

Motherhood has been a challenging task in every way. I knew what my mother went through when that time of delivery draw near even if I have not experience that before, her countenance changes.

Being a mother for the first time, thoughts would always come like, would my child have complications, would it be a normal child or would I have complications during birth?

Today the role of men in child-birth has changed significantly. Husbands are no more sitting at home waiting for their wives to return with their new born babies.

Husbands do wait with their wives throughout the pushing process.

Men's presence really give mothers emotional support and courage to go through the labour pains until delivery. I could recalled, my Dad waited for my mum at the labour room till she put to birth. Surprisingly, my dad did not hear the time my mum pushed the child. It was in the night actually.

My dear mothers, immediately she had put to birth, clean up was done by the midwife. She left the house in night without telling anybody. She returned that same night, it wasn't up to 2 hours we saw her with a baby. We were shocked, we asked her so you went to deliver. We thank God that night.

It’s a big challenge for many men to stand by their wives as they experience labour pains in the labour ward.

Studies have shown that a supportive husband is good to have in the labour ward and this can increase that chances of a normal delivery and also helps to shorten the labour.

The presence of the husband will also allow the wives to deliver successfully.

This doesn't occur to every women, there some women at mere seeing their husbands they will make labour worsen for them.

Traditionally, in our society for a woman to be woman you must put to birth. As a woman you can't fit into your society if you have not put to birth. To be a mother, People will respect you in all walks of life. You will be able to express yourself because of your experience as a mother or father.

Indescribable joy of having a baby both husband and wife. Babies put smiles on their parents face.

Thank you for reading my blog. God bless you.

I love mothers and I learnt a lot from them.

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