I am a Proud Mother of a Cute Son; My Journey into Motherhood.

Going through the journey of nine months of experiencing a beautiful creature kick and punch me every day, looking unto the day I will hold this beauty in my arms.
The due date for my delivery was stated for the 27th of January, but my siblings and I wanted him to wait for two more days so he would have the same birthday as my younger sister we waited all through that day and nothing happened.

January ended and there was no sign of my baby coming, and to make matters worse, the hospital I was registered in went on an unexpected strike so it was impossible to see my doctor to find out if all was well. Hoping that the strike would be called off soon, I patiently waited until February came knocking on the door, and on the 5th of February, I started to feel very restless.

My Mum advised us to go to another doctor to get his expertise since there was no way to see my doctor. I went to another hospital and when a scan was carried out, it was noticed that the placenta was over-mature and delivery was passed due time. So, labor was induced.

I went into induced labor on the 5th of February and went through intense pain until late in the evening when I started to shiver and run temperature, my scared Mum ran to the doctor and the IV fluid was stopped. A malaria test was done and it was discovered I had malaria on a high level, with fear that it could affect my baby, I had to be treated for malaria instantly.

All through the night, I was treated for malaria. On the 6th of February, I was advised to have my baby through a cesarean section, because even if my baby's head was downward as expected, he was looking upwards instead of looking downwards, this came as a shock to me because my doctor and I had planned for a vaginal delivery all along. I asked the doctor if there was any other option, and he said we could give it another trial but if the baby did not come, we had no other option than to go to the theater room.

I decided to try again to have my baby naturally, but I wouldn't advise anyone to make the same choice because the pain was rather intense. I did a little exercise with one of the nurses who supported me greatly, then I was placed on another drip. Now, this level of pain was more intense than the one I experienced the previous day. My Mum who was with me all through could not stand watching her daughter go through such pain as she cried and prayed for a miracle.

I was on the verge of asking for a cesarean section myself when the doctor said I was dilated at 8cm and we had 2cm more to go, I was told my baby could come anytime soon. So I decided to endure a little bit more. Around 06:00 pm I was moved from the labor room into the delivery room, with the instruction PUSH, I yelled and pushed with all my might, you could tell I was already tired at this point and I had almost lost my voice completely.

The doctor said, your baby is ready to come but you need to push to welcome him, so I put all my tiredness aside as I followed the instructions of the second PUSH sound, the third, and of course the fourth. Then I heard the words congratulations, your baby is here.

I was exhausted but glad to hear the voice of my baby who had his placenta tied around his neck. It was a miracle because the placenta could have choked him to death due to the intense labor, but my baby came out fine.

However, the next question from the head doctor brought another section of pain, he asked if I had any tears and the nurses answered yes, I had a third-degree tear, and the doctor began stitching me up instantly and I screamed out of the pain felt. My husband who had been congratulated on the birth of his newborn was confused about the reason behind the noise that he had to ask a nurse what was going on as he was not allowed into the delivery room.

The pain and discomfort that followed afterwards was not funny but the fact that I could hold my son in my arms eased the pain I felt. Ever since that experience, I have always prayed for every pregnant woman to have a successful delivery and be able to hold their babies in their arms, no woman deserves to lose her life in the process of birthing one.

This is my story, and one I wouldn't forget in a hurry. So, on the 6th of February, I gave birth to a 3.5kg bouncing baby boy, with a cephalic posterior presentation and the placenta around his neck. The process was painful but that I can hold my healthy baby in my arms makes all the difference.

Thank you for reading my story I hope to share more stories about my journey into motherhood with you, as well as read and learn from experienced parents too.


Hi, I am Tobi, a writer, speaker, relationship blogger, and lover of good music. I love making friends and learning from people. If you want to hear me speak on relationships and general life issues, you can find my YouTube channel where you can watch any episode for free, please do not forget to subscribe, friends. I sincerely appreciate every love I get from here, Kindly do well to keep them coming.

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