Embracing Motherhood: Aspiring To Be The Best Version Of Myself As A Mother

Greetings to you all,
I hope you’re having a good day. This is my first time taking part in the contests organized in this community. I mean I didn’t even know about them until I saw a male friend post about it and I decided to make further research. I’m glad to have made my research and I’m happy to take part in this weeks contest.

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Everyone in this world has a mother but not all of us get to experience the love of a mother. Also, not every woman has the chance to experience motherhood but we all hope for the better. As a young lady growing up, I have come across many mothers, mine inclusive and I have observed and come to understand the relationship they have with their kids. No one is perfect and same applies to our mothers. They do their best for us but if we do not let them know our problems how would they help us when we need them?


I look forward to becoming a great mom in the future and I’m working a lot towards that. I do not want to be the kind of mother who isn’t there for her kids. Here are few qualities I’m working on possessing as a potential mom in the near future:

I want to be a mom who loves her kids unconditionally

I have seen some mothers treat their kids with so much hate because they weren’t ready for kids but things happened and they had to have them. I aim to be a mother when I know that I am ready. I need to be capable emotionally, physically and mentally so that my kids do not suffer from my problems. I want to be the kind of mother that loves her kids with all her heart and supports them at their highs and lows. I mean who wouldn’t want this kind of mom?

I want to be a mother who leads by example

As a mother, your kids take a lot of habits from you. How you talk to people, how you address issues and everything that goes on around you. Kids do what they see and this is why women are expected to exhibit some level of discipline and kindness. As a mom I want to be kind to others, honest in all I do, and also do the right thing always. If I lead by example, my kids would also adopt this good habits from me and live their lives in peace.

A good communicator

Effective communication plays a key rule in the mother and child relationship. Without communication, I bet you would be a stranger to your kids. There are a whole lot of parents out there who do not make time to talk to their kids and I think that’s very bad. As a mom , I would want to talk to my kids all the time about what’s going on with them, their daily life, their struggles and fears and their good times. I want to be involved in my kids lives at every point and I want my kids to be able to talk to me about anything they’re going through and all this begins with trust.


As a mother, you need to be trustworthy. You should be a safe haven for your kids. You should keep whatever your kids speak to you about a secret so that anytime they have a problem then can come to you because they trust you. Every child deserves a mom who can be trusted and that’s what I aim to be.

Also, I want to be a religious mom who would guide her kids spiritually to the right path. I want to train my kids in a way that they take God seriously and live by his words. I am also working at being more patient and understanding. I know kids can be annoying and all at times and mothers need to exercise a lot of patience. I wouldn’t want to be that mom who looses her shit at any little thing.

One can never fully know kids. I have been with so many kids and I have watched them grow but people change with time. I hope that I am able to recognize who my kids are even as they grow by being a good mom for them. Mothers are really superheroes and what would we do without them. God bless every mom out there.

I hope you enjoyed reading.Thank you for your time.

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