[ENG-ESP] Accompanying my daughter to her cousin Abby's birthday 🎉❤️🖤


🇺🇸 English🇺🇸

One of the activities we do as moms, in my case with great pleasure 🤭, is to accompany our children to all their meetings, that includes birthday parties, meetings, school events, projects, etc. On this occasion we attended the celebration of our dear cousin Abby's 5th birthday, a super special gathering for everyone, full of fun.

Abby's birthdays are always themed and fun, hehe, this time everything was decorated with one of her favorite characters, the popular Ladybug in Paris, hehe, the truth is that I didn't even know how to spell her name, hehe, the truth is that we liked everything.

Abby's mom is super creative, detailed, she organizes the birthdays with a certain amount of time, I think that's why they are so pretty, and the expenses don't hit her so hard, hehe, plus it has always been in the comfort of her home 🏡. This organization allowed all the children to enjoy different activities, receive party favors and more. It is an example for me when it comes to organizing parties, but I just can't keep up with it🙃, hehe.

We arrived at the scheduled time and there were already several children, a bouncy castle, the super cute decoration in its red and black colors standing out a lot on the white walls of the house 🏡. Everything was simple and ideal for the birthday girl and the guests.

Lots of balloons and our cute Abby with her gorgeous Ladybug outfit and all the kids had their faces painted, including my daughter, who even though she doesn't like it because she thinks she's grown up, hehe, she couldn't resist.

Dariana was one of the oldest girls at the party, but she's very innocent, and like the rest of the kids, she didn't get off the bouncy castle 🤭, she enjoyed it a lot, but I was on the lookout because the boys are a little rough.

Abby's birthday parties are always attended by a lot of kids, at least 20 of them, good God I'd go crazy if I were the party organizer 🎉, hehe, but they really enjoy it, and My daughter can socialize with other children, and even though she is already 10 years old, I always accompany her. I don't like to leave her alone at these events unless a family member is responsible or it is exclusive for girls, and I think about it, hehe.

For this very special celebration, Abby's mom hired an animation agency, which presented a show with a girl dressed as Ladybug, Hehe, Abby was in shock when she saw her favorite animated character, Hehe, she was so embarrassed 🤭. My daughter has loved this character since she was little ❤️.

The children in the family who are in Venezuela are only my daughter Dariana, my nephew Elías, and my cousins Amelia and Abby. They are the main guests at the birthday parties and they couldn't be missing at this party, Hehe. Dariana was always accompanied by Amelia, she is the most contemporary at her age, and with the rest of the children present at the celebration, they had their moments of socialization.

The children of the house 🏡 thoroughly enjoyed Abby's birthday, they participated in raffles with their respective gifts, they received party favors, candy, a piñata, snacks, animations, a bouncy castle, a delicious cake. The parents also had our moment, with games for the adults, sharing anecdotes about our children, photos for the memories, it was a very fun celebration. These moments where we can share with our children are more than special, they continue to strengthen our bonds of love 🩷, family, friendship, complicity, plus the fun that exists in these meetings, because they enjoy our company or at least my daughter who always ends up grabbing the candy from the piñata, because she never grabs anything, she just doesn't get involved, hehe, but she is just like me, hehe, and I see her and it brings back memories of how I liked to go to parties with my mom.

That's all for this post. Thanks for getting this far 📝☝️🖤❤️...

One of the activities we do as moms, in my case with great pleasure 🤭, is to accompany our children to all their meetings, that includes birthday parties, meetings, school events, projects, etc. On this occasion we attended the celebration of our dear cousin Abby's 5th birthday, a super special gathering for everyone.

Abby's birthdays are always themed and fun, hehe, this time everything was decorated with one of her favorite characters, the popular Ladybug in Paris, hehe, the truth is that I didn't even know how to spell her name, hehe, the truth is that we liked everything.

Abby's mom is super creative, detailed, she organizes the birthdays with some time in advance, I think that's why they are so pretty, and the expenses don't hit her so hard, hehe, plus it has always been in the comfort of her home 🏡. This organization allowed all the children to enjoy different activities, receive party favors and more. It is an example for me when it comes to organizing parties, but I just can't keep up with it🙃, hehe.

We arrived at the scheduled time and there were already several children, a bouncy castle, the super cute decoration in its red and black colors standing out a lot on the white walls of the house 🏡. Everything was simple and ideal for the birthday girl and the guests.

Lots of balloons and our cute Abby with her gorgeous Ladybug outfit and all the kids had their faces painted, including my daughter, who even though she doesn't like it because she thinks she's grown up, hehe, she couldn't resist.

Dariana was one of the oldest girls at the party, but she's very innocent, and like the rest of the kids, she didn't get off the bouncy castle 🤭, she enjoyed it a lot, but I was on the lookout because the boys are a little rough.

Abby's birthday parties are always attended by a lot of kids, at least 20 of them, good God I'd go crazy if I were the party organizer 🎉, hehe, but they really enjoy it, and My daughter can socialize with other children, and even though she is already 10 years old, I always accompany her. I don't like to leave her alone at these events unless a family member is responsible or it is exclusive for girls, and I think about it, hehe.

For this very special celebration, Abby's mom hired an animation agency, which presented a show with a girl dressed as Ladybug, Hehe, Abby was in shock when she saw her favorite animated character, Hehe, she was so embarrassed 🤭. My daughter has loved this character since she was little ❤️.

The children in the family who are in Venezuela are only my daughter Dariana, my nephew Elías, and my cousins Amelia and Abby. They are the main guests at the birthday parties and they couldn't be missing at this party, Hehe. Dariana was always accompanied by Amelia, she is the most contemporary at her age, and with the rest of the children present at the celebration, they had their moments of socialization.

The children of the house 🏡 thoroughly enjoyed Abby's birthday, they participated in raffles with their respective gifts, they received party favors, candy, a piñata, snacks, animations, a bouncy castle, a delicious cake. The parents also had our moment, with games for the adults, it was a very fun celebration. These moments where we can share with our children are more than special, they continue to strengthen our bonds of love 🩷, friendship, complicity, plus the fun that exists in these meetings, because they enjoy our company or at least my daughter who always ends up grabbing the candy from the piñata, because she never grabs anything, she just doesn't get involved, hehe, but she is just like me, hehe, and I see her and it brings back memories of how I liked to go to parties with my mom.

That's all for this post. Thanks for getting this far 📝☝️🖤❤️...


Una de las actividades que hacemos como mamis, en mi caso con mucho gusto 🤭, es acompañar a nuestros hijos a todas sus reuniones, eso incluye fiestas de cumpleaños, reuniones, eventos escolares, proyectos, en fin. En ésta oportunidad asistimos a la celebración del cumpleaños #5 de nuestra querida primita Abby, un encuentro super especial para todos, lleno de diversión.

Los cumpleaños de Abby siempre son temáticos y divertidos, Jejeje, ésta vez todo estaba decorado con uno de sus personajes favoritos, la popular Ladybug en París, Jejeje, la verdad es que ni sabia cómo se escribía su nombre, Jejeje, lo cierto es que nos gustó todo.

La mami de Abby es súper creativa, detallista, ella organiza los cumpleaños con cierto tiempo, pienso que por eso le quedan tan bonitos, y los gastos no le pegan tanto, Jejeje, además siempre ha sido en la comodidad de su casa 🏡. Ésta organización permitió que todos los niños disfrutaran de diferentes actividades, recibir cotillones y más, es un ejemplo para mí a la hora de organizar fiestas, pero es que no le sigo el paso🙃, Jejeje.

Llegamos a la hora pautada y ya habían varios niños, un castillo inflable, la decoración súper linda en sus colores rojo y negro resaltando mucho en las paredes blancas de la casa 🏡. Todo sencillo, e ideal para la cumpleañera y los invitados.

Muchos globos y nuestra linda Abby con su atuendo bellísimo de Ladybug y todos los niños estaban pintados en sus caritas, incluyendo a mi hija, que aunque no le gusta porque se cree grande, Jejeje, no se resistió.

Dariana, era una de las niñas de más edad de la fiesta, sin embargo es bien inocente, y al igual que el resto de los niños, no se bajó del castillo inflable 🤭, lo disfrutó muchísimo, sin embargo estuve pendiente porque los varones son un poco rudos.

A los cumpleaños de Abby siempre asisten muchos niños, por lo menos 20 no faltan, Dios santo me vuelvo loca si fuera la organizadora de la fiesta 🎉, Jejeje, sin embargo ellos disfrutan muchísimo, además mi hija puede socializar con otros niños, y aunque ya tiene 10 años siempre la acompaño. No me gusta dejarla sola en estos eventos a menos que se haga responsable algún familiar o sea exclusivo para las niñas, y lo pienso, jejeje.

Para ésta celebración tan especial la mamá de Abby contrato una agencia de animación, que presentó un show con una chica disfrazada como Ladybug, Jejeje, Abby estaba en shock al ver su personaje animado favorito, Jejeje, estaba como apenada 🤭. Mi hija ama éste personaje desde pequeña ❤️.

Los niños de la familia que están en Venezuela, solo son mi hija Dariana, mi sobrino Elías, las primitas Amelia y Abby. Ellos son los invitados principales de los cumpleaños y en ésta fiesta no podían faltar, Jejeje. Dariana siempre estuvo acompañada de Amelia, es la más contemporánea a su edad, y con el resto de los niños presentes en la celebración, tuvieron sus momentos de socialización.

Los niños de la casa 🏡 disfrutaron muchísimo el cumpleaños de Abby, participaron en rifas con sus respectivos regalos, recibieron cotillones, dulces, piñata, pasabocas, animaciones, castillo inflable, un pastel delicioso. Los papás también tuvimos nuestro momento, con juegos para los adultos, compartir anécdotas de nuestros niños, fotos para el recuerdo, fue una celebración bien divertida. Estos momentos donde podemos compartir con nuestros hijos son más que especiales, siguen fortaleciendo nuestros lazos de amor 🩷, familiares, de amistad, complicidad, más la diversión que existe en estas reuniones, porque ellos disfrutan de nuestra compañía o por lo menos mi hija que siempre termino agarrando los dulces de la piñata, porque nunca agarra nada, es que ni se mete, Jejeje, pero es que ella es igualita a mi, Jejeje, y la veo y me trae recuerdos de como me gustaba ir a fiestas con mi mamá.

Es todo por éste post. Gracias por llegar hasta aquí 📝☝️🖤❤️...

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Stickers realizado en Bitmoji | Stickers made in Bitmoji.

Fotografias capturadas con mi teléfono Tecno Spark 10 pro | Photos captured with my Tecno Spark 10 pro phone.

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