Carnival at school [EN/PT-BR]


Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well 🙂 For those who don't know, I work with 3 year olds in a nursery and on Friday we celebrated carnival at our school and they were excited, even me 🙂

I started by showing you the costume that I liked the most, this girl always does work at home with her mother and that's why I liked it, she bought the costume but the helmet and the astronaut backpack she made with her mother in home 🙂

But I loved all the costumes, some simpler, others more eye-catching, but all wonderful. Friday was a day of just playing and we didn't do any activities that day. They were so happy ❤️

The girls in the room are very vain so accessories couldn't be missing. They use them every day, at Carnival you couldn't miss accessories alluding to each person's costumes 🙂

I love carnival, we had a carnival parade at school, they paraded very well and everyone wanted to parade at the same time, I asked them to put on all their accessories for the parade

Even the detail on the bow skirt, the mother added it with glue to create the perfect carnival look.

I loved these angel wings, she says she's my guardian angel and I thought it was quite funny when she said that 🤣 I'd never seen angel wings with lights and by the way I thought it was quite funny, she said straight away that I was going to keep these wings for me 🤣 of course joking and she started laughing and already knew I was joking

The children were all very cute, their hairstyles were also perfect. Congratulations to the dads 🙂

I thought it was funny because they agreed which Disney princess they were going to bring so they all came different 🤣

I also mentioned Sonic, I loved it because Sonic was my favorite cartoon when I was little, so it reminded me of my childhood which made me very happy 🙂

During the parade we launched streamers and they went crazy. In the end, everyone was left playing with the streamers 🎉

I hope you liked it, see you soon friends 🙂


Olá a todos, espero que estejam bem 🙂 Para quem não sabe, trabalho com crianças de 3 anos em uma creche e na sexta comemoramos o carnaval na nossa escola e eles ficaram animados, até eu 🙂

Comecei mostrando para vocês a fantasia que mais gostei, essa menina sempre trabalha em casa com a mãe e por isso gostei, ela comprou a fantasia mas o capacete e a mochila de astronauta ela fez com a mãe em casa 🙂

Mas adorei todos os figurinos, uns mais simples, outros mais chamativos, mas todos maravilhosos. Sexta-feira foi dia de apenas brincar e não fizemos nenhuma atividade naquele dia. Eles ficaram tão felizes ❤️

As meninas da sala são muito vaidosas então não poderiam faltar acessórios. Eles usam todos os dias, no Carnaval não podiam faltar acessórios alusivos às fantasias de cada pessoa 🙂

Eu adoro carnaval, tivemos desfile de carnaval na escola, eles desfilaram muito bem e todos queriam desfilar ao mesmo tempo, pedi para eles colocarem todos os acessórios para o desfile

Até o detalhe da saia laço, a mãe acrescentou com cola para criar o look carnavalesco perfeito.

Adorei essas asas de anjo, ela diz que é meu anjo da guarda e achei muito engraçado quando ela disse isso 🤣 Nunca tinha visto asas de anjo com luzes e aliás achei muito engraçado, ela disse logo que eu ia guardar essas asas para mim 🤣 claro brincando e ela começou a rir e já sabia que eu estava brincando

As crianças eram todas muito fofas, seus penteados também eram perfeitos. Parabéns aos papais 🙂

Achei engraçado porque eles combinaram qual princesa da Disney iriam trazer então vieram todas diferentes 🤣

Também mencionei o Sonic, adorei porque Sonic era meu desenho favorito quando eu era pequeno, então me lembrou da minha infância o que me deixou muito feliz 🙂

Durante o desfile lançamos streamers e eles enlouqueceram. No final, todo mundo ficou brincando com as serpentinas 🎉

Espero que tenham gostado, até breve amigos 🙂

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