Mom, for the holiday

One of the most demanding and tasking job or duties in the world is "Parenthood."

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Kids are more difficult than any other creature in the world, now I do not mean difficult in any bad way. They crave and demand attention 24/7 and they don't even have to say it verbally. Sometimes, it drives me crazy and I just want to scream and shout but I have to take a deep breath, calm myself and talk in the lowest possible voice I can manage but deep down in me, I want to shout or spank the child.

Some times ago, I had visited my Aunt who had 2 kids then and as much as I love those kids, they drive me crazy. One minute they're playing together and the next minute, they're fighting. And I had wondered "how in heaven's name did you move from playing to fighting in just a blink of an eye"?

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Is this what your Mom goes through everyday after a very long day at work? How is she still sane?

And then she had the 3rd child and I visited again. This time was different from earlier as I had a year old child to take care of as well. I've just changed a diaper and the next minute, I am perceiving an odor again, "why didn't you just poo before I change this diaper? Why did you have to poo when I already started eating?" That moment, I got so overwhelmed and wanted to just cry, but he looked up at me, smiled and gave me a hug. Awww, how am I supposed to get mad at him if he keeps doing that?

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Don't even get me started about food. Those kids can be so picky. How am I supposed to make 3 different dishes for 3 different people in such a short time? They want jollof rice, spagetti, and the little one is crying on me holding my legs, "what do you want?... he wants Frisygold', that was his food. I tell them to hold on and go watch cartoon while I prepare their meals, and the next thing I am hearing is a loud noise and perfect silence!... Yes, I was glad they were calm, little did I know what was coming for me. They had gone to the bedroom and had littered the whole room with the already washed and ironed clothes and the little one was busy with the white powder he had poured on the floor. The scene made me went blank. I stood at the door watching because I had no idea what to do. But, I didn't cry. I don't have the strength nor the time to cry. I just need to clean up and get their food ready. and after they were done eating, I sent them to different rooms and held custody of the little one. Going in to check them up, they had slept like logs of wood. In my mind, I had thought, " people having more than 3 children, how do you and have been survive and surviving? I'm really curious.

I love kids and I want to have them but... I need to think again about the numbers of children I want.

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